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A few weeks later at the end of September.

Reid was returning home from his trip to Miami, it was 2am and he started to feel sleepy. He decided to stop at the next open gas station to get coffee to keep him awake, but it was about 20 minutes to the nearest town. "Pictures Of You" by The Cure played through the speakers, adding to his drowsiness. He drove a long lonely road, not a car in sight, nothing to look at, nowhere to stop. His eyes began to close as his consciousness left him, his car started to veer out of the lines. He drifted into the other lane, headed straight for the ditch. He didn't wake up in time to prevent the crash, his car dove right into the ditch and landed on its side, preventing him from opening his door. The impact jolted him awake but there was nothing he could do, he hit the steering wheel and the air bag deployed. Once the crash was over, everything was quiet. He sat there on his side and groggily looked around for something, anything. There were no cars, no houses, no stores, no one to call the police. He was disoriented but knew to look for his phone. His body ached, he could taste the blood coming from his nose. Every movement pained him but he had to look for his phone. He spotted it in the passenger seat, he reached for it and felt a sharp pain in his side. He grabbed the phone and his first instinct was to call Brooklyn instead of 911 but he knew she was sleeping and probably right next to Brian, so he didn't. He called the police and shortly after, he blacked out.

He was still out when emergency services arrived, they pulled him from the car and loaded him into the ambulance. They found his wallet and phone and looked for an emergency contact. They found Brooklyn's number and called her.

She sleepily answered the phone.

"Is this Brooklyn?" The officer asked.

"Yes, who is this?"

"This is Officer Cooper, do you know Reid Washington? You're listed as his emergency contact."

"Yeah, I know him. Is everything okay?"

Brian woke up and turned on the lamp.

"I'm afraid he's been in a car accident, we're taking him to the hospital now."

"An accident? Is he okay?" She asked alarmed.

"He's unconscious but he's alive. We've got him in an ambulance headed for the hospital."

"Will he be okay?"

"He's in good hands."

"What hospital is he going to?" Brooklyn got out of bed and started to put on her clothes.

"Holy Cross."

"Thank you, if he wakes up please tell him I'm on my way." Brooklyn hung up.

"Is it your family? Is everything okay?" Brian sat up in bed.

"Bri look, you're gonna be mad but I have to go. Reid was in a car accident. I have to go, I'm his emergency contact. You stay here with Ella, I don't want to wake her."

"Why are you his emergency contact?"

"I don't know, he has no one else. I'm sorry please don't be mad but I have to go."

Brian sighed. "Just be safe and keep me updated." He kissed her before she left.

On the way to the hospital Reid started to come to, he saw the blur of flashing lights and paramedics around him. His hearing started to kick in, he heard the sirens and voices.

"You're awake. Can you tell us your name?" A paramedic asked.

"Reid... Washington." He answered slowly.

"Good, Reid you were in an accident and we're taking you to the hospital."

Reid tried to move but stopped because of the pain.

"Woah sit still, you've probably got a few broken bones. We're almost there." The paramedic assured him.

"I called Brooklyn, your emergency contact." The officer riding with them said. "She wanted me to tell you she's on her way."

"Brooklyn." Reid repeated.

"Is she your girlfriend? She sounded really worried about you."

"No, it's complicated."

"Well she said to tell you she's coming to the hospital."

"Her husband isn't gonna like that."

"Oh?" The officer smirked.

"Complicated." Reid kept it short as every breath was difficult so talking was worse.

They arrived at the hospital and Reid was admitted in. The doctors said he had a concussion and a broken rib which needed surgery to reset so that it didn't puncture his lung.

When Brooklyn arrived at the hospital Reid was in surgery, the doctors let her wait in his room. He was wheeled in about an hour later.

"Surgery went well, he should wake up soon." The nurse said to Brooklyn.

"Thank you."

The nurse left the room and Brooklyn went to Reid's bed to look at him, shocked at how beat up he looked. After a few minutes she sat down in one of the chairs in the room.

About 45 minutes later Reid slowly opened his eyes and looked over to see Brooklyn sitting across the room.

"Brooklyn, you came." He muttered.

She rushed to his side. "Yeah, are you okay?"

"I'm fine." He struggled to say. "I'm glad to see you but you didn't have to come. I know it's hard because of..."

"It's okay. You should stop talking and rest more. I'll be here when you wake up."

"I'll be okay, you don't have to stay."

"Yes I do. Go back to sleep, I can see you're in pain."

"Thank you." He nodded off again.

Brooklyn got a call from Brian and she left the room to answer it so that she wouldn't wake Reid.

"How is he?" Brian asked.

"He's not good, they brought him in from surgery a while ago and he's been asleep. He woke up for a minute and spoke to me but now he's asleep again."

"Do you need to stay with him for a while longer? I got Ella so if you need to stay until morning it's fine."

"You're okay with me staying?"

"Well I'm not thrilled about it, I mean he is your ex. But considering he almost died I understand you want to make sure he's alright. We're married now and I trust you."

"Okay, thank you babe. I'm gonna stay through the night until I know he's gonna be okay. He's here alone and I don't want to leave him in case something happens."

"Okay well I'll see you when you get home. Keep me updated, I love you."

"I love you too." She hung up.

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