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The day had finally come for Brian's interview on MTV's Headbangers Ball. The band was excited to spread the word about their music to the rest of the country. Brian, Brooklyn, and the band flew out for the shoot and got started.

"Right now, your typical guys next door, I wanna welcome the band from Florida, Marilyn Manson, a band we've been getting a lot of mail about." The interviewer introduced him.

Brooklyn was on set watching the interview on a monitor. Brian answered questions about the origin of the band and their music. The interview went really well and towards the end the he started to ask more personal questions.

"Manson you've been pretty public about your relationship with your fiancé Brooklyn, you two are Florida's it couple. You've included her in shows, taken her to appearances, and written songs about her. What's the next step for you two?"

"Uh well yeah Brook and I have been public about our relationship, I mean it's hard not to be. Right now we're in the early stages of planning a music video and she'll obviously be the star. But as far as our personal life goes we obviously plan to get married, and umm... I don't know if I can talk about this..." Brian smiled at the camera.

"Oh come on you can tell us, it's not like this is television." The interviewer pushed.

"Ugh she's gonna kill me... oh well, everyone in Florida knows anyways... we're expecting." Brian smiled. "She's pregnant and we're pretty excited about it."

"Oh wow, congratulations! You know what, we have some time left do you want to bring her out?"

"Oh god she's gonna be mad, bring her anyways." Brian laughed.

Brooklyn came out onto the set and sat beside Brian.

"Hello Brooklyn, how are you?" The interviewer asked.

"I'm good, I hear my secret is out." She gave Brian a teasing look.

"Well congratulations, how are you feeling about everything?"

"Great, I think we're both in a really good place right now, I never expected to be pregnant and engaged with such an amazing person. We're both really happy."

"I have some more questions now that I have both of you here. You two have been compared to iconic rock couples such as Sid and Nancy or Kurt and Courtney, how does that make you feel?" The interviewer asked.

"I think we hope to be as legendary as them, they're all so important to the history of punk and rock and we hope to be as influential to rock culture." Brian answered.

"Brooklyn how do you feel about being compared to Nancy Spungen and Courtney Love? Are you offended by that at all?"

"Absolutely not, you know I obviously look like them." She laughed. "Lots of people have a problem with more vocal women like Nancy and Courtney, which happens a lot when women are passionate and outspoken, but I think they're both beautiful, badass women so for me it's an honor to be compared to them."

"Cool, so now that you two have a baby on the way and the music is picking up will there be a chance of you moving to Hollywood to further your career?"

"Certainly no time soon. I think we're pretty happy in Florida right now, we just bought a house, we've built our reputation and relationships there so for now no. But you never know what the future holds." Brian answered.

"And Brooklyn if one day he wanted to pick up and move all the way across the country would you support that or do you want to stay in Florida?"

"Of course I'll support whatever he wants to do. I'll follow him anywhere, he's done the same for me."

"We're a package deal, you want one of us you get both of us." Brian smiled.

"Soon to be all three of you." The interviewer laughed. "Well that's all the time we have, thank you both for coming out. For the folks at home you can check out Marilyn Manson in Fort Lauderdale, and be on the lookout for that new music video. We'll see you next time on Headbangers Ball."

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