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Reid and Brooklyn fell asleep on the couch while watching The X-Files. They were awoken around 3 AM by the phone ringing.

Brooklyn started to answer it but it went to voicemail. Brian's voice came through the speaker.

"Brooklyn answer the fucking phone. If you're not home I swear to god. You better be glad I'm at Twiggy's. Just pick up the phone."

Reid jumped up.

"Is that him?" He asked.

"Yeah, he's probably on a lot of drugs." She sat down at the kitchen counter by the phone and it rang again.

"Do you want me to get it?" Reid asked.

"God no, that would just make it worse."

The ringing ended and the voicemail began.

"Brook you have one more fucking time, I'm warning you. Answer the phone!" Brian yelled through the speaker.

"I'm gonna answer it, he won't stop calling if I don't." She sighed.

Reid walked into the kitchen and sat across from Brooklyn.

The phone rang again.

"Put it on speakerphone." Reid said.

Brooklyn answered it and put it on speaker.

"What do you want Brian?"

"Don't speak to me like that. You better be alone, are you?" Brian demanded.

"Yes I'm alone. I was sleeping, it's 3AM why are you calling me?"

"I told you if I caught you with someone else you would regret it."

"What are you talking about? I'm not with someone else." She said confused.

"Remember what happened last time you lied to me? I'm at Twiggy's with the guys and one of them saw you having coffee with another guy."

"It was Joey. He's gay remember?"

"Oh it was just Joey? Are you sure?"

"Yeah it was just Joey." Brooklyn answered.

"Right... but see I remember Joey having short black hair, this asshole had long blonde hair. Now why the fuck would you lie to me after I warned you not to? When I see you..."

"Why is it any of your business who I have coffee with? You're not my boyfriend, you fucked that up."

"I don't care, you're mine Brook! No one else's! If I can't have you no one can."

"Stop calling me when you're like this, you're insane. You know I could call the cops for what you did to me?"

"You wouldn't dare. You had the chance that night but you didn't, and the bruises are fading now."

"I could tell my uncle. He'd be a lot more effective than the police anyways."

"I don't think so Brook. Don't think I won't tell your family about that night at The Hole."

The Hole was a place where all the bands, groupies, and addicts hung out. It was a place where people could do whatever they wanted and not be judged for it. At The Hole there were no rules, it was the epicenter of sex, drugs, and rock and roll.

"You wouldn't."

"Try me and see, I dare you."

"Whatever just leave me alone tonight, I'm going back to sleep now. If you call again I'm unplugging the phone."

"I have better things to do than sit around and call you all night."

"Oh yeah like what?"

"Why is that your business? You're not my girlfriend."

"Damn right I'm not. Look just don't kill yourself tonight, stay at Twiggy's if you know what's good for you." Brooklyn started to hang up, she took the phone off speaker.

"Hey Brook, wait." Brian stopped her, his tone softened.


"I thought you still loved me." He sounded sad.

"It's harder when you're like this." She hung up the phone.

"Oh my god, that's crazy." Reid sighed.

"Well he's only like that when he's on drugs, I guarantee I'll get an apology call tomorrow when he's sober. He'll be begging me to go to the concert."

"Man I am never going to one of those again. I'm not supporting a guy like that."

"Yeah probably best you stay away since they know what you look like."

Reid nodded. "The Hole... is that the place I hear about all the time? It's almost like an urban legend around here, everyone that's been has a wild story. Crazy things go on there right?" He wondered what Brooklyn was doing in a place like that and what her story was, but he didn't want to pry.

"You could say that, you're really not supposed to talk about what happens there. It's definitely not a place for nice guys like you." She attempted to shift his focus.

He laughed and nodded. "By the way I didn't mean to fall asleep here, I can go if you want."

"No, it's fine. You can leave tomorrow when the sun is out. I'll be in the bed, you can have the couch."

"Thanks, goodnight Brooklyn." He waved as she went into her bedroom.


hi, I know you don't know what happened "that night at the hole" but it's a part of the story that will be revealed later, nothing much to worry about just yet. also sorry it took me so long, I had a lot going on. thank you all for reading. xx

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