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When she arrived at Reid's house the tension in the room was thick and they were looking at her so strangely.

"Hey baby." She went straight to Ella and grabbed her.

Neither Reid or Vinny said anything, they just watched her.

"What?" She asked oblivious.

"You look like death. What's wrong with you?" Vinny said not sugar coating at all.

"Sorry I couldn't clean myself up, you two were about to put out a fucking amber alert for me so I rushed over."

"Where is Brian? Did he hurt you? Did he force you to go last night?" Reid jumped in.

"No he's still at his friends house. Last night he said he'd get clean if I went with him so I did."

"Is he clean?" Vinny asked.

"It doesn't happen over night." She rolled her eyes.

"Are you clean?" Vinny blurted.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" She snapped and quickly covered the needle marks on her arm.

"Brooklyn we're just looking out for you. We want to make sure you're okay." Reid said sympathetically.

"I'm fucking fine."

"Now that I know about this other side of Brian I can see it in you too. How long have you been like this?"

"Been like what? You know what fuck you guys. I'm going home."

"Brooklyn wait!" Reid stopped her. "Please stay, all your stuff is here."

"Fuck off Reid. I gotta go get Brian."

"You're not taking Ella anywhere. Let me keep her."

"Fine okay. I'll be back." Brooklyn handed Ella over and kissed her forehead before she left.

Once she was gone neither Reid or Vinny knew what to say.

"That's not Brooklyn." Reid said.

"I know. I've known her my whole life and I've never seen her like that."

"I haven't either. Do you think she's on drugs too?"

"It looks like it." Vinny sighed.

"Fuck, it makes sense now. A while back she was telling me about her wild days before we met. She was saying how her life is boring now and she missed it... she missed the feeling, I guess she was talking about drugs." Reid put his head in his hand. "Fuck, I should've seen it sooner."

"As long as you've known her she's been clean?"

"Yeah over a year now. She said she was glad I never saw her like that, she said it wasn't pretty. God she used to tell me what an asshole she was and how she was such a mess."

"No fucking wonder, Brian pulled her into this shit. How could she do this to Ella?"

"I don't know, it's so unlike her. She's been such a good mom. If she could think clearly she'd know better. We have to get her clean."

"Will you keep Ella here? I'm gonna go see if I can follow her to wherever she's going and stop her before she does anymore damage." Vinny gave Ella to Reid and ran out the door to catch Brooklyn.

He spotted her car at the red light and followed her all the way to the shady part of town. She parked at a random house and Vinny pulled in behind her. He got out and went to her window and knocked. She rolled it down.

"Vinny what are you doing here? You can't be here, go home!"

"I'm not leaving unless you come with me."

"Get in." She unlocked the car door and he got in the passenger side. 

"What's going on? I've never seen you like this. I'm worried about you Brooklyn."

"Save the sympathy bullshit for someone else okay? I don't want to hear it. I don't want anyone worried for me or feeling sorry for me."

"Okay, well tell me where we are and why we're here." He braced for the answer.

"I told you I'm picking up Brian from his friend's house."

"I'll just get to the point. What's wrong with you?"

She paused for a moment, contemplating whether or not she should tell him. If she did he might take Ella away for a while but if she continued to use drugs she could lose Ella forever.

"Vin I'm sure you know already." She sighed. "He is a friend but... he's a drug dealer." Brooklyn pointed to the house.

"This is where you were all night?" Vinny asked.

"Yeah, I really fucked up Vin." She leaned on the steering wheel.

"It's okay, I'll help you."

"It's not okay. I'm a hypocrite. I hated Brian for this and now look at me doing the exact same. And poor Ella has fucking junkie shit parents."

"You're not a junkie, you're a good mom, you love Ella, you just messed up. It's okay, you can get clean and everything will be okay."

"It won't Vinny! Now I'm stuck with useless in there but I can't leave him. I don't know what to do, I have nothing left to do. I can't take Ella from him because I'm just as bad. They drug test me and take her from both of us."

"Hey, if that happens I'll take her. You won't lose her I promise. We're gonna get you clean and back on track okay? Whether Brian gets clean is up to him but you have to do it for Ella."

"Okay, yeah. For Ella. I love her Vin, I really do."

"I know you do sis." He hugged her. "Now what do you want to do?"

"I need to go talk to Brian."

"Brooklyn no. You're not going in there."

"You can come with me, I just need to talk to him that's all."

Vinny rolled his eyes and reluctantly agreed. They got out of the car and went inside.

"Hey, who is this? You know you can't bring just anyone here." Bowery was on high alert.

"He's my brother, he's not gonna call the cops on you. Where's Brian?" She asked but before Bowery could answer, Brian came in from the bathroom.
"Are you coming with me?" Brooklyn asked.

"What?" Brian was confused.

"I gave in last night, but not anymore. Are you coming with me or are you staying here? Now is the time to choose. I'm choosing Ella."

"Baby come on, stop overreacting." He reached for her.

"No. You manipulated me last night, you told me you'd get clean after this. Did you lie to me?"

"No, Brook. I choose you. I'll always choose you."

Brooklyn held back a smile just in case he was lying again. "Get your stuff and let's go." She opened the door.

"You two are getting clean?" Bowery cut in. "That's good, good. But you're not getting your money back for the h you stole this morning."

"I don't want the fucking money. Keep the money and fuck off." Brooklyn followed Vinny and Brian out the door.

"Fuck you Brooklyn! Always fucking up my business! You'll be back!" He yelled out the door.

"Can I trust you two in a car together or should one of you ride with me?" Vinny asked.

"We're married Vinny, you can trust us." Brooklyn said.

"Alright, I left Ella at Reid's. Meet me there?"

"Ella is with Reid?" Brian said angrily.

"Babe he's probably taking better care of her than either of us could. I know you hate him but he's trying to help us. Please play nice?"

Brian nodded.

"We'll meet you there." Brooklyn confirmed to Vinny and they got in their cars.

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