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The car ride home was quiet, Heart-Shaped Box by Nirvana played faintly on the radio filling the silence. Brooklyn could sense that Reid must've felt threatened seeing Brian flirt with her. She pulled into the parking lot of her apartment but they didn't get out.

"Do you forgive him?" Reid asked breaking the silence.

"Brian? I haven't really thought about it... I try really hard not to think about it."

"What did he do to you?"

"I'd rather not talk about it. I'm just trying to get over it."

"Please, for me? I want to hear the details, just so I can understand better." Really Reid just wanted her to relive the trauma Brian caused her so that she'd remember how awful he was.

"Well the first time he just grabbed my arm, he didn't realize how hard. It left bruises where his fingers were."

"Why did he do it?"

"He said I was flirting with the waiter at Olive Garden, who by the way is gay. I had his phone number on a napkin and Brian found it. He just grabbed my arm to get my attention, it wasn't that bad."

"If he grabbed you hard enough to leave bruises, I think it was that bad. What about the second time?"

"My ex called to catch up. Brian came home fucked up, wanting to know who I was talking to. He started yelling, grabbing me, pushing me around. I got tired of it so I pushed him back. He backhanded me, I fell in the floor and that was that."

"God, how can someone can be so cruel and then be so nice like he was tonight. He's manipulative."

After a short pause she simply said, "He can be."

Brooklyn got out of the car, not wanting to answer anymore questions. Reid followed her.

"Do you want me to leave tonight?" He asked hoping for her to say no, to give him reassurance.

"I don't care." She said nonchalantly.

"You don't?"

"I meant I don't mind if you stay."

"You don't mind if I go either?" He asked.

"I'm just saying it's up to you."

He sighed. "Okay."

They got to her apartment and went inside.

"I'm pretty tired, I'm gonna go to bed." Brooklyn went to her room. She undressed from her concert clothes and put on short shorts and an oversized t-shirt. As she was washing off her makeup there was a knock at her bedroom door.

"Hey Brooklyn, are you in bed yet?" Reid's voice was muffled through the closed door.

"No, just a second." She dried her face and answered to the door. "Yeah?"

"Can I stay in here tonight? The couch is uncomfortable."

"Yeah sure, but you are not wearing those dirty concert clothes in my bed." She laughed.

"Whatever you say." Reid smirked and took off his shirt.

Brooklyn couldn't help but stare at his muscular chest.

"Pants too." She smiled.

He unbuckled his belt, and unzipped his pants.

"Are you gonna watch the whole time? I mean I don't mind-" He laughed.

"No, no I'm sorry." She turned around and walked to her bed as he finished taking his pants off.

"Am I okay to come to bed now?"

"There are pajamas in my top drawer." She pointed.

"I usually sleep in my underwear. Unless... you mind?"

"No." She patted the bed next to her.

He crawled in beside her. To his surprise Brooklyn began taking her shorts off.

"You don't mind right?" She asked.

"By all means, go ahead."

They sat still next to each other, until Reid leaned in and began kissing her.

He started sucking and biting on her neck, Brooklyn enjoyed it but she didn't want him to leave marks on her for Brian to see.

"Not too hard okay? I don't want hickeys."

"Why not?" He knew why.

"I have class." She lied.

"Okay." He leaned her back and got on top of her, he moved from her neck and pulled up her shirt a little to expose her stomach and began kissing there. He moved to her thigh, sending chills over Brooklyn's body. As he got closer to her panties, she got more and more antsy.

He brought his hand up and pressed his thumb to her sensitive spot, applying pressure. Brooklyn let out a small moan, but something crossed her mind and distracted her.

"Reid." She meant to sound stern but it came out as more of a moan. "Reid stop."

He stopped abruptly and looked up at her.

"Can we just sleep?" She asked.

"You don't want to..."

"I do, but I think we should wait. Can we?"

He hung his head down and sighed. "Yeah." He crawled back up beside her.

"I'm sorry." Brooklyn sighed.

"Don't be." He wrapped his arm around her and they lied there in silence until they fell asleep.


I hate posting chapters that Brian isn't in... makes me want to post another

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