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Sunday was spent in bed all day, when Brooklyn and Reid finally woke up it was past noon.

Brooklyn unwrapped herself from Reid's arms and went to the kitchen to make herself a smoothie. Reid came in a few minutes later, back in his concert clothes.

"Eating without me?" He teased.

"I didn't want to wake you. Why are you dressed?"

"Unfortunately I have to go. We have class tomorrow and all my stuff is in my dorm, I should really study."

Brooklyn sighed. "Okay, if you must go." She came out of the kitchen to see him to the door.

"Trust me I don't want to." He pulled her in for a hug.

"You'll see me tomorrow."

"That doesn't mean I won't miss you." He kissed her forehead.

She pulled away from him. "Me too, be safe." She watched in the doorway as he walked away down the hall and to the elevator. Once he was gone she stood there staring at the numbers "227" on Brian's door. Then like magic the door came open.

"What are you doing?" Brian laughed.

"Nothing, just being weird I guess."

"Standing out in the hall in your underwear is definitely weird."

She'd forgotten she was in her underwear.

She crinkled her nose at him. "What are you doing?"

"I'm on my way to get lunch. Have you eaten?"

"No, I just woke up."

"Do you want to come with me?"

"I would but my hair and makeup isn't done."

"You're beautiful either way but we can go to the drive thru, bring it back to your place."

"Alright, I am starving."

"Cool, just go put some pants on." He laughed.

"Shut up." She ran to her bedroom to find her shorts and slipped them on, running back to the door. "Ready."

Brian and Brooklyn walked down the long hallway and rode the elevator down to the parking lot. Brian couldn't hide the smile on his face but luckily for him Brooklyn was preoccupied with her own thoughts to notice him.

"Where to?" Brian asked once they were in the car.

"Wherever you were already going is fine."


"Excuse me?" She turned to see if he was serious but was relieved when she saw his smile.

"You never know what you want to eat." He laughed.

"Whatever, why can't you just pick?"

"I will, as usual. And you'll like it, as usual." He smirked at her.

"Oh-ho, nice one." She chuckled.

Brian pulled into the driveway of Taco Bell and ordered. They picked up the food and took it back to Brooklyn's apartment.

Sitting there eating together it felt like the early days of their relationship, everything was fine again like it used to be and for a short time they'd both forgotten all the bad that had happened between them.

Before they knew it, hours had passed and the sun had gone down.

Brian looked over at the clock.

"Holy shit, I should probably go. You have school tomorrow." He started towards the door.

"Shit, I didn't know it was so late." She sighed. "I'm so ready for Thanksgiving break coming up."

"Why's that? So you can go see your family?"

"No, so I don't have to go to school."

"Oh, you're something else." He laughed.

"Thank you for lunch." She smiled.

"Anytime." He wanted to kiss her so badly but he knew he shouldn't. Little did he know she was thinking the same thing.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" She asked.

"Yeah, anytime you want."

"Good..." She hugged him.

They both needed it.

"See ya Brook." They broke the hug and retreated into their apartments.

the apartment across the hallWhere stories live. Discover now