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Later they got dressed in nice clothes to get ready for the dinner. Family started arriving around noon.

Zio Lorenzo came in with his family and went straight to talk to Brian. "Brian, patio, now."

He and Brian went out onto the patio to have a talk.

"You're still here?" Lorenzo asked surprised.

"I am, she isn't tired of me yet."

"And you're treating her right?"

"Yes sir, I'm doing my best."

"Good, that's my niece I gotta look out for her. Her father sure as hell isn't doing it, in and out of jail like he is."

"I did think it was strange that you gave me a harder time than her dad. He barely spoke to me."

"He's probably just not giving you the time of day because he assumes you won't stick around. He loves her, don't get me wrong, his family is very important to him... but his business gets in the way sometimes. If you plan to stick around, you gotta look out for her like I do."

"Yes sir, of course I will. I'm glad she's had someone to protect her and I'm happy to take over now. I won't let anything happen to her."

"You might not be so bad after all." Lorenzo smiled.

Brian smiled back and they went back to mingle with the family.

"You're alive." Brooklyn said.

"Yeah, like you said, he's a big teddy bear." Brian teased.

Brooklyn's dad tapped his glass to get everyone's attention. "Okay everybody let's eat!"

When dinner was over and the family went home Brooklyn and Brian went back into her bedroom and started packing for the trip home.

There was a knock at her door.

"Come in."

Vinny entered the room and sat down in a bean bag chair. "So you're leaving tomorrow?"

"First thing in the morning." Brooklyn answered.

"Can't you stay a little longer? I haven't seen you in a year. I'm gonna miss you guys."

"I have school Vin, and Brian has shows to do. We'll be back for Christmas."

"What if I flew down to Florida for a show?"

"You definitely should, I'll get you a lanyard and you can hang out backstage with Brook, it'll be fun." Brian said.

"Vinny really? You want to come to Florida?"

"Why not? I've never been. I could go see what life is like for my little sister, I've got nothing to do when I'm not in Italy."

"Can't you find someone here to harass?"

"You're just jealous that Brian and I are friends." Vinny and Brian laughed together.

"Oh grow up." She rolled her eyes.

"I'm gonna let you guys go to bed since you have to be up early in the morning. Do you still hate early mornings Brooklyn?"

"Boy does she, it's like pulling teeth to get her to rise from the dead before noon." Brian said making Vinny laugh.

"Okay okay, out! That's enough of you two." She started to push Vinny out of her room.

"Aw, we make fun of you because we love you!" Vinny said.

"Get out and goodnight." She closed the door.

Vinny yelled goodnight to them through the door and went to his own bedroom.

"I like your brother." Brian said.

"I'm sure you do." Brooklyn crawled into bed.

"And you were right."

"About what?"

"Nona's cooking is way better than Olive Garden." Brian smiled.


y'all bout to be real mad at me xx

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