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The next morning Brooklyn woke up feeling a bit better, she decided to get a shower to freshen up from the last two days.

Shortly after, she was surprised when Brian joined her.

"What are you doing?" She laughed.

"Showering." Brian replied.

"So am I."

"I can see that." He laughed.

"I missed that smile."

"I missed yours too." Brian grabbed her and kissed her.

They finished up their shower and started to Reid's house where Vinny and Ella were waiting for them.

"Hey Brook, what if we just completely start over?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like move away from all of this. We'll be away from Bowery, away from Reid, away from all our problems, just pick up and start over somewhere new."

"Where did you have in mind?" Brooklyn smiled.


"Are you serious? What about your music?"

"I can do that in California. Just think about it, we could live on the beach or something. We could take Ella to play in the sand. It would be beautiful."

"Bri we live in Florida, we can do that here." She laughed. "But I told you, I'll follow you anywhere. Hell all my stuff is in boxes already."

"Let's do it. The producers wanted me closer to LA anyways. This could be a fresh start for our family."

"Well if we're going to California we might as well have another kid."

"Really?" Brian beamed.

"I think Ella could use a little brother or sister, god I can see us now, the perfect little Malibu family."

"Oh my god, that would make me so happy. I can start arranging things today."

"Perfect. I haven't been this excited about life in so long."

"Me either, I can't wait to leave all our shit behind." He squeezed her hand.

They arrived at Reid's house.

"You two look much better." Vinny said as they walked in.

"Thanks. Where's Ella?" Brian said.

"Come on, I'll bring you to her." Vinny led them into the bedroom where Ella was in her crib.

As soon as Brian stepped into the room Ella's face lit up and she held her arms out for him.

"Hello angel." Brian picked her up. He turned Ella towards Brooklyn and she smiled again.

"Good morning beautiful." Brooklyn kissed Ella's forehead. "You missed mommy and daddy didn't you?"

"Brooklyn can I talk to you?" Vinny asked.

They both went out into the hall leaving Brian with Ella.

"So are you good now?"

"Yeah we're good, Vin, really good. Especially after seeing that. We're gonna stay clean, get our shit together and raise our family."

"Good, I'm proud of you sis. So what's next?"

"Well we were talking this morning and we decided we're moving to California, starting over."

"What? Well that came out of nowhere." Vinny laughed.

"It was Brian's idea, I think it'll be good for us to leave everything behind."

"I think so too, it might be the first good idea he's had."

"So you're back with Brian?" Reid emerged from his bedroom.

Brooklyn nodded and looked down. "Yeah I am."

"You said you're moving?"

"Yeah, to California."

"Will I ever see you again?" He asked sadly.

"I'm sure you will." Brooklyn said sympathetically.

Reid just walked away.

"You broke his heart." Vinny said.

"I know, I never meant to." She frowned.

"Hey babe, you want to get your stuff and take it to the car?" Brian came around the corner holding Ella.

"Yeah, help me Vin."

Brooklyn and Vinny grabbed the boxes of Brooklyn's things and started taking them to the car. When they finished they went back in.

"We should all probably get out of Reid's hair." Vinny said to Brooklyn and Brian.

"Yeah, you can meet us at our house. Will you go start the car Bri?" Brooklyn took Ella from him and he and Vinny went to the cars. Brooklyn walked around the house looking for Reid to say her goodbyes. "Reid?" She called.

He opened his bedroom door.

"I came to say goodbye."

He shook his head. "I don't get it Brooklyn. Just the other day you had left him and come to live with me. Now you're moving across the country with him and I may never see you again."

"I'm sorry Reid. This whole relationship has been unfair to you. For the sake of myself and my family we have to leave, that's the bottom line."

"I wish you the best, I really do. But we both know that's me, I'm the best for you, much better than him."

"Reid I didn't come to have this same conversation that we've been having for over a year now. I'm saying goodbye and that's that. Now here, say goodbye to Ella before we go." She handed her to him.

Reid put on a smile for the baby. "I can't say goodbye to you, I'll say see you later. Don't forget me, beautiful girl." He kissed Ella's cheek before handing her back. "Don't let her forget me, Brooklyn."

"Goodbye Reid. I'm sorry for everything and thank you for being there for us."

Reid nodded and watched as Brooklyn took Ella out to the car. As everyone drove away, reality set in and Reid had never felt so alone.

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