Safety pt. 1

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This is completely u related but I just absolutely destroyed myself with a face mask! I sting! But not bad or anything, and I put lotion and I'm smooth and soft and content. Now on to the real issues!

Haaaaa safety may very well be the death of me. This is my first semester doing the Safety Technology courses and I want to cry like 40% of the time. It's a little frustrating, because the instructor that I have now -one that I will continue to have because there's only like, four people in the safety department including the department head- has made it abundantly clear that he wants us to teach ourselves most of the material. One class is safety, health, and environmental training, which is about teaching us how to train other people in safety at whatever job, and the other class is loss control, which is loosely about minimizing the damage to people, property, and the environment and all the bureaucracy and blah blah blah we're not even halfway so idk what else that goes along with it.
We have a textbook for loss control, and I'm trying my damnedest to understand it and take notes because our main source of grades are modules. The modules are made up of a quiz on whatever chapters are covered, an application assignment, and either two forums or one forum and a smaller application assignment. It's quite a bit of work, but it's worse than it would be otherwise because of the instructor's teaching style. The way he teaches, he told us that most of what's in the book we won't really need to worry about in our jobs, so he only teaches us the real-world application in class. The trouble is that all of the modules are based off of what in the book. He doesn't create the modules. Honestly I don't think he looks at the modules, or even the syllabus, because if he did he would've seen that all the due dates are from either fall or spring of last year. I even saw a date from 2015, even though it was for something that only pertained to the online class.
I'm working through it though. It frustrates me to no end and I've cried for like an hour every time I look at a module for the first time.


Alrighty. I started writing this almost a month ago and things have happened since then so I'm gonna cut it off here and put said things in the next post. Sorry.

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