Scout update

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Hello again, here's an update on my sweet boy Scout. We got him back from the vet after our family gathering, and he got his staples out. The vet said the wound was healing well, but the pin in his bone was moving around. He has a bump on his hip, and we thought it was just joint swelling. It technically is, but it's also kind of a cyst. The pin is rubbing on his muscles and trying to work itself out of his leg. The vet drained it but it just keeps getting bigger. They said this is a pretty common occurrence though, so at least we know that this is not something going horribly wrong instead of something we can expect to happen no matter what we do. We're doubling our efforts to keep him from putting weight on the leg, but there's really not much else we can do. He's fully grown Lab that likes to move around and do it himself. We walk him only three times per day to limit his movement. He's still on pain medicine, and that makes him kinda drowsy so he naps for a good part of the day.
He also got a bath after his staples were out, and I think one of his ears got some water in it cause now he has a bit of an ear infection. We got some medicinal flush from the vet and are using it twice a day for a week and then one a day for two weeks.
We're halfway through the recovery time when he gets the pin taken out, and the goal now is just to keep the pin from busting out of his leg, or else they'll have to trim the pin to fit again. He has to wear the cone of shame full time now though, cause he'll lick at the drain scab on the bump until it bleeds. We brought him back to the vet because of the bleeding, and they to just try and keep him off it and keep him from licking. Since we're at the halfway point in the recovery process, they want to start weening him off the pain meds a little bit. He had two kinds that he took twice a day, but now we're starting to cut down to one per day and he has a new one that will keep him more calm since he's going to be less drowsy from the others. He's only been taking it for a couple of days but we can tell the difference already. Rather than sleeping most of the day, he'll be awake and just watching.

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