So today was a pretty dang good day. I'm back home for Thanksgiving break until tomorrow, when I'm going to my grandparent's house. But today, I got to sleep in as much as my brain would let me, and then my mom and I talked with my big bro, and then I talked to my bro alone because my dad called my mom, and I ate breakfast at noon, and then I chilled with my mom for a few hours, and then we went find some really big pinecones for my aunt. That's mainly what I want to talk about.
We have a pine tree in our front yard, and then there's woods behind our backyard that belongs to our next door neighbor and that's where we looked. At first we were throwing shoes to try and knock the pinecones off the tree, and then we got this long PVC pipe to knock them down, and that worked way better at first. When we knocked down all the ones we could reach, we started throwing the pipe at the pinecones. This is mostly happening in the front yard, right next to the road, so anyone driving by can see how my mom and I are actually lunatics.
At one point, my mom throws the pipe at these two perfect pinecones, and gets the pipe stuck in the tree. We kill ourselves laughing and start throwing shoes to get the pipe down. My mom then gets one of her shoes stuck in the tree. We both have no shoes on, mine are halfway across the yard from missing the tree, and one of hers is on the ground and one is in the tree a few feet above the pipe. She grabs one of my shoes and throws it at her shoe and knocks it down, but then they both get stuck in the tree! Now there's two shoes and the pipe in the tree. It's really windy, so the wind starts pushing the pipe out of the tree, which is great. It finally falls down, and we use it to spear the shoes out of the tree. The entire time this is going on we're laughing like crazy people, praying no one drives by and sees us. When the shoes are finally out of the tree we give up on pinecones for the day.
On the sucky side, I thought I heard someone whistling right by my house when I was walking my dog for the last time. It freaked me out and my paranoia and anxiety are making it hard to fall asleep and it's 2:30 am and I'm really really tired. Okay well I should try to sleep now. Good night! Sweet dreams!
AcakJust some stuff I feel like writing. Thoughts, dreams, aspirations, fun facts, discoveries, stories, etc...