Chapter Two

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"We'd better go," Sunpaw murmured, looking down on Cinderpaw. "Get some rest."

Quietly, she and Lightningfeather turned and slipped out of the den. Peonystorm was stroll shrieking, though they were becoming weaker every time. Sunpaw sat, resigned to the fact that she would not be getting any sleep that night.

Lightningfeather sat next to her. Applefoot was asleep in her den, and Goldleaf came out from the warrior's den and silently sat down next to Sunpaw. Lightningfeather let out a soft hiss, but made no complaint.

Finally, after what seemed like seasons, Featherpelt popped his head out of the den. He was breathing heavily. "She's had three. One..." He couldn't finish the sentence and padded out, head down, to the medicine den. Cloverfur followed dutifully, clutching moss in her jaws. Sunpaw felt an aura of disappointment from Cloverfur and... Anger from Featherpelt. Anger? Why was he angry?

Sunpaw padded into the apprentice den, but before she could slip inside, a soft tail laid on her shoulder made her turn her head. Goldleaf was standing there. "Sunpaw?"


"Do you want to go-" he stopped then hastily said, "On a border patrol! Later! In the morning! With Skypelt and Applefoot?"

Sunpaw got the feeling that he hadn't said what he'd intended to, but she was too tired to press him for more details. "Sure," she meowed, yawning. She looked up at the sky and felt her heart sink when she saw the pale pinkish-gold color of dawn. She decided to try and get some sleep.


"Sunpaw! Get up!"

Sunpaw opened her eyes about a second after she had closed them. The unwelcome voice of Applefoot filled her ears and she sat up. Applefoot's silver form was blocking off all light coming from the entrance to the den, and without a word, Sunpaw got to her paws and padded out of the den, squeezing through the tunnel. Gingerpaw and Moonpaw's nests were deserted. Applefoot followed Sunpaw.

Without a word, Sunpaw walked over to the group of cats by the Rock Pile: Skypelt, Goldleaf, Gingerpaw, and Shadowfur. Applefoot took the lead, and Sunpaw lagged a little. Gingerpaw was bouncing around in the front, and Sunpaw was thankful for the small apprentice's enthusiasm. It provided a distraction for Applefoot, who explained that they were on a hunting patrol and needed to be quiet. She began to lag behind, her paws dragging. She was exhausted, and full of grief for Peonystorm. She hoped that she would name the surviving kits later that evening.

Goldleaf slowed his pace until he was walking next to Sunpaw. Without a single meow, he lowered his thick tail and brushed it against Sunpaw's ankle. It tickled. Sunpaw let out a reluctant purr, and Goldleaf instead put his tail under Sunpaw's chin, turning her head to his. His golden eyes gleamed. He was named for them, Sunpaw realized. His lovely yellow eyes, like small suns. Suns.

Sunpaw pulled her head away and sped up, her heart racing. We can't let Applefoot know, she told herself sternly. We can't let Applefoot know.

But she couldn't shake the feeling... His eyes, like small, round, golden suns... And her eyes, leaf green.

Sunpaw blinked her green eyes, wishing her feelings weren't so confused.

Wow I am really sorry... This is very poopy. Filler chapter! Better chapters coming up. I promise :)

~ ✨🐱✨ Rainfeather ✨🐱✨

Omen of the Sun Book Two: Snowfall ✅Where stories live. Discover now