Chapter Eight

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**Bold=Sunpaw. Italics=...😈**

Sunpaw's blood ran cold. "I-I-" was all she could manage, before Cloverfur leaped.

The light gray medicine cat landed right in front of her lightly, then slashed at her muzzle with unsheathed claws. Sunpaw jumped back, instincts snapping into play. Dodge, weave, leap, slash, hold on to the back, she thought as she preformed moves she had learned.

Cloverfur rained blow upon blow down on her at every chance she got, her cold amber eyes glistening with anger. Sunpaw ducked, evading her strikes, and slid underneath her, slicing a claw into her belly. Cloverfur screeched and dropped onto Sunpaw.

Sunpaw tried to inhale, but got a mouth of cold, stinking fur. Kick! She reminded herself. She gathered strength into her legs and thrust them outwards. Cloverfur flew off her.

"I'm... Going... To... Kill... You!" Cloverfur grunted as she slashed. Sunpaw felt a slap of pain as Cloverfur sliced a claw down her muzzle. Ouch!

Sunpaw, do the leap and hold move, a voice said in her head. Sunpaw felt a prick of concern. Who are you and what are you doing in my head??

I'm a part of you. And I'm telling you to do the leap and hold move, because she's coming and she's going to do the death move!

Sunpaw flicked her paws upward in a leap and soared forward, her tail momentarily stuck in a bramble that had been swallowed by the mist. She wrenched it free, and flew through the air, until she landed on Cloverfur. She dug her back claws in, the way Lionscar had taught her only the night before. Cloverfur let out a derisive hiss. "Lionscar move, eh? Don't think you can outsmart me."

With a snarl, she threw Sunpaw to the ground, pinning her with a shoulder. Sunpaw felt a splash of pure panic. She's got me!

Cloverfur grinned, and slashed a claw down Sunpaw's stomach. Sunpaw screeched as hot, sick pain rushed down her. She fumbled weakly, but still Cloverfur held on. The medicine cat smiled down at her. "Guess I've killed you, good. Another thing to cross off my agenda!"

"Why do you hate me so much?" Sunpaw wheezed. Even talking was an effort now. What was that hot, red stuff pooling around her? And what was that black stuff on the sides of her vision?

Cloverfur started to talk, but broke off. "Well, gotta go. See you in the morning... Not!"

She sprang away into the darkness, leaving Sunpaw broken and bleeding on the ground.

Mwahahahahaha my best cliffie yet! >:)

Update soon. I think I like this, every three or so days?

Wow, I'm unoriginal. These are really stupid author's notes XD

Well... Um... I just had chocolate sauce. A lot. So I'll be going crazy in three... Two... One... YAAAAAY HIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIIIIIIII...

~✨🐱✨ Rainfeather ✨🐱✨

Omen of the Sun Book Two: Snowfall ✅Where stories live. Discover now