Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Sunpaw woke to a howl.

She leapt out of her nest and shook out her fur, instantly wide awake. She glanced around. Moonpaw and Gingerpaw were opening their eyes. Moonpaw looked worried and Gingerpaw was panting as she hastily licked down her chest fur. Sunpaw darted out of the den.

The snow was piling high, and it was almost up to Sunpaw's neck. She wriggled out onto the top of it, and looked around. Most of the cats in the Clan had come out. Applefoot, who had gone to recieve her lives, leaving her kitd with Peonystorm, hadn't returned yet, and neither had Featherpelt. Cloverfur had stayed behind in case anyone needed anything. Applefoot had chosen her deputy to be Amberclaw, and he was standing on the Rock Pile with Cloverfur.

Another wail rose from the center of the camp. Everyone seemed to be frozen in some emotion Sunpaw couldn't exactly place. The cat who had cried out was Frostcloud.

Because Snowblaze was lying dead on the ground.

Moonpaw let out a strangled cry. "Mother!" She raced forward and pushed her nose into her mother's fur, seeming to try and bring her back to life. But Snowblaze was dead. Even from here, Sunpaw could see that she wasn't breathing.

Rosefoot padded forward, her pinkish paws stained with snow, and sat down, wrapping her tail around Moonpaw. The small silver she cat cried out, her body shaking with silent sobs. Gingerpaw, who had followed, was staring in horror at the body of her mother. Grief flashed through her gaze, but she didn't move, just seemed frozen in place.

Cinderstorm padded over to Sunpaw from the warriors' den, her blue eyes wet. "Snowblaze... she was my mother," she whispered, grief pooling rapidly in her eyes.

"Oh, Cinderstorm," Sunpaw sighed. "I'm so sorry."

Cinderstorm shrugged and whipped her tail across her eyes. "Who's your mother? You never mentioned her."

Sunpaw's demeanor immediately darkened. "Sorry. I can't tell you that."

Cinderstorm gave her a strange look, but let the matter drop. "Anyway. I wonder what happened?"

As if in answer, Amberclaw opened his mouth. "Turn to face me," he meowed with a softness Sunpaw had never heard from the usually untouchable senior warrior. Then she remembered that he had been Snowblaze's mate, and she understood.

"Snowblaze was found this morning in her nest, seemingly asleep. When Shadowfur tried to wake her, however, she discovered that she was..." his mouth tightened. "dead. Cloverfur has checked her over and has discovered that she starved."

Cinderstorm tensed beside Sunpaw. Sunpaw felt her light gray friend freeze and her heart went out to her.

"Applestar has not yet returned," Cloverfur said. Sunpaw rolled her eyes. Gee, thanks, Captain Obvious, I hadn't noticed. "And when she returns with her nine lives, we will bury Silverstar."

She gestured with her tail over to the corner of the camp, where Silverstar lay, her body becoming covered by snow. Sunpaw shook out her pelt.

"Tonight, we will mourn Snowblaze," Amberclaw promised, his mew breaking. He looked over at his dead mate.

"Two deaths in two days," Goldleaf whispered. Sunpaw jumped- she hadn't heard him come over. Cinderstorm looked up from her grief-stricken state and glared at him. "What are you doing here? Haven't you done enough?"

"What do you mean?" Goldleaf asked in bewilderment. Sunpaw mentally facepawed and tried to send him a message telepathically. No! Go away! 

Of course... it didn't work. Cinderstorm let out a snarl. "Are you really that stupid?! How could you have kits with that... that monster?! She killed my sister, Goldleaf! How could you forget that?! I can't forget you as an apprentice. You never left Moonpaw's side. Every cat was sure you were going to become mates. And then she died and you became mates with the cat who killed her! What is your problem?!"

Goldleaf seemed shocked for a moment by her outburst, then shook himself. "That was a fox, Cinderstorm," he growled lowly.

Cinderstorm let out a derisive snort. "Uh huh. And I'm the leader of this Clan. Sunpaw's my deputy. Trust me, Goldleaf, you don't want to say that. It was not a fox and you know it."

Goldleaf looked at her evenly. "You may not trust Applestar, but I do. I trust her."

Sunpaw flicked her tail. "Oh yeah? Then why'd you tell me that you were only her mate to protect me?"

Goldleaf's eyes widened as he turned towards her. Sunpaw held his gaze, unblinking. Why was she doing this? Just after she decided to trust him again, she had to go and mess everything up. This one was on her. Her fault.

Goldleaf narrowed his eyes. "You know, Sunpaw, I thought I could rust you not to say what I say to you in confidence to anyone else. Guess not. While we're at it, let's tell her the other thing I told you, okay? About how I'm not the father of Applestar's kits. I'm her mate. I'm not the father."

He turned and began to stalk away, but his path was barred by a small bundle. Sunpaw heard him mutter a curse and looked around him.

It was Rainkit and Brairkit, Applestar's kits. Briarkit was looking at him in shock, her sky blue eyes huge. Rainkit had her eyes narrowed. "You're not our father?" Briarkit squeaked.

Goldleaf dropped to their size. Sunpaw wondered what he would say. "Yes, yes of course I am!" He protested. But it was weak- Sunpaw was sure the kits would see through his bluff. "Of course I'm your father."

Rainkit hissed as he stepped closer to them. "I doubt it. Then why'd you lie to them?" She stabbed a paw thorough the air at Sunpaw and Cinderstorm.

Goldleaf glanced back, and then looked at the kits. "I-" he began, but then shook his head.

Without a backward glance, he turned and raced away into the forest, kicking up snow behind him.

Yay update!

Merry Christmas Eve! I'm so excited it's finally here. Remember what I said- at least one update every day. I'm trying!

Hee hee hee... hee hee hee... hee hee hee... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA THIS CLIFFIE *Sticks out tongue*.

Ha ha. Love ya. :)


Omen of the Sun Book Two: Snowfall ✅Where stories live. Discover now