Chapter Nine

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Lilycloud paced around the clearing, her amber eyes watching the pool intently. "Oh dear StarClan..."

"Is she alright?" Frost asked. Lilycloud shook her head. "Cloverfur really hurt her. She needs help."

"Doveheart. Send Doveheart to help her!" Raintail meowed. Lilycloud nodded. "I feel it may be our only choice. Doveheart, come here."

The light gray-former medicine cat stepped out into the light filtering in through the trees. "We need you to go to the Place Of No Stars, and heal Sunpaw," Lilycloud mewed. Doveheart glanced into the pool, and saw Sunpaw's condition. "I-"

"Please, Doveheart!" Frost exclaimed. Doveheart turned to her, shocked to see such emotion flooding from the usually-contained she cat. "Alright," Doveheart agreed finally. "Where is she?"

"On the edge of the forest," Lilycloud said. "You'll be able to be there in heartbeats. Please, hurry, or the Clans will certainly perish!"

Doveheart nodded and Raintail passed her a roll of leaves, some wet moss, and cobwebs. "The very freshest herbs in all of StarClan," he meowed. "Go, Doveheart, and heal the pool of sun."

Doveheart nodded and turned, springing away. "I hope she makes it," Lilycloud murmured. Raintail nodded.


Doveheart ran through the forest of StarClan, trying to get to the Dark Forest as quickly as possible. "Come on, come on," she muttered as she pushed herself farther. Finally the trees began to thin, and the ground became buggier. Dark shadows loomed at the front of her vision, filling her with terror, but she stayed calm. I will find Sunpaw. Without a second glance back at StarClan, she hurled herself into the Dark Forest.

Doveheart paused, sniffing the air. She smelled blood. But not sour, angry-smelling blood that sent her sprawling, nearly blinded by the smell. No, this blood was pure, and fresh. Sunpaw!

She raced forward, following the tang of the blood until she came across a clearing.

There lay Sunpaw, a small, shriveled-looking body lying in a pool of blood in the middle of the clearing. A sudden, fleeting day of moonlight shone down, making Sunpaw's blood flash. A voice spoke in Doveheart's head. "A pool of sun will glow and light the Clans from within, and the gold, the cinders, and the lightning shall rise as the apple casts a dark glow on the Clans. The sun will die and the apple shall rule all as the Clans are thrust into an unending darkness."

The prophecy! Doveheart thought. But then the moonlight faded, and she had work to do. She raced forward, stepping gingerly through the pool of blood until she reached Sunpaw.

With trembling paws, she began her work.


Sunpaw opened her eyes, groaning. Every inch of her hurt. How was she not dead? She weakly raised her head and looked around. Everything was dark. So she was still in the dark forest.

"Lie back down," A voice said. Sunpaw tensed. Who is this? "Who are you?" She shrieked. The cat claimed a tail over her mouth. "Sh! It's only me, Doveheart. Cloverfur almost killed you, so Lilycloud sent me to help you. Just a few more minutes, and I'll be done. Here, drink this water."

She pushed a wet wad of moss over to her. Sunpaw lapped at it. "Now, go back to sleep, and when you wake up, go right to Featherpelt," Doveheart said. Sunpaw obediently closed her eyes, then opened them. "And if Cloverfur's there?"

Doveheart caressed her gently with her tail. "Run," she whispered, before Sunpaw spiraled into sleep.

Yay the chapter is up!

What did you guys think of switching between Sunpaw, Doveheart, and the general StarClan POV? I think I liked it. I am proud of myself for getting the next chapter out.

Doveheart. I like that cat. Anyone catch anything funny with her name? Think: Doveheart. Dove. Heart. *Cackle*

Tell me what you think of the chapter! Bye!

~✨🐱✨ Rainfeathr ✨🐱✨

Omen of the Sun Book Two: Snowfall ✅Where stories live. Discover now