Chapter Sixteen

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Sunpaw continued to brush what Goldleaf had said to the back of her mind. If you ignore it, it never happened.

Still, her hunting was slightly off, and she missed most of her forest hunting. She spent the few remaining hours until sunset, when she had to get back, trying to find a river where she could fish. Eventually, she went to the one near the HollyClan border, and caught six silver fish.

She was leaning over the river, her eyes fixed on a fish slowly swimming towards her, when she felt a hard push in her back. Caught off guard, she toppled into the river and was instantly soaked by the freezing water.

"Fox dung!" She muttered. She turned around angrily. "What was that?!"

Two fat cats were rolling around in laughter. Sunpaw glanced over them carefully. There was a light gray tom with dark gray flecks, and a gray-brown tabby she cat with amber eyes.

Sunpaw glowered at the laughing cats. She shook out her fur violently, and to her satisfaction freezing drops spattered onto their fur. She let out a growl, and they stopped laughing.

"Excuse me, was there any specific reason that you decided to shove me in the river?" Sunpaw asked icily. The tom snorted. "Yeah. So we could see your expression!"

That sent him and his companion into fits of laughter again.

Sunpaw rolled her eyes. Idiots. She walked up to the she cat, swiped a paw across her head so that she stopped laughing for a moment, and advanced to the tom. She unsheathed her claws and ripped them down his nose. He leaped to his paws. "Hey! What was that for?!"

"To teach you a lesson!" Sunpaw snarled. "I could kill you in one swipe, kitty. But I'm giving you a chance to explain yourself. So explain, unless you want to die."

"We-" The she cat started, but a flash of fur danced into Sunpaw's sight. "Hazel! Mint! Get back!" A calico she cat meowed loudly. She pressed herself in front of them, and her gaze fell on Sunpaw. "Who- who are you?" She asked in a quavering tone.

"I'm Sunpaw, and you have three seconds to explain what you're doing here, who you are, and why they pushed me in the river," Sunpaw snapped. The she cat blinked. "I'm Stanley, and this is Hazel and Mint. We're-"

"Show me your paw," Hazel demanded. Sunpaw stared at her. "Um... Why?"

"Give me your paw!" Hazel insisted. What is wrong with her?! Sunpaw thought, hut she held out her paw. Hazel inspected it closely.

"You're lying," she announced. "What?" Sunpaw asked. "You're lying. Your paw isn't the sun!" Hazel repeated. Sunpaw snatched her paw away, half afraid that Hazel's stupidness would spread to her. "No duh, genius! What, were you born under a rock?! Nobody has paws made of sun!" Sunpaw snapped.

Hazel rolled her eyes. "Well, your name says you do, so-"

"I have friends named Lightningfeather and Cinderpaw! I know cats named Goldleaf and Applefoot," Sunpaw grumbled, carefully removing Goldleaf from the "friend" category. "They don't have feet made out of apples or paws made out of cinders."

Stanley glowered at Hazel. "Um, I chased them outside. We're kittypets."

Sunpaw sighed. "Look, I'm in a bad mood, so if you would just go away then we can forget this ever happened!"

Stanley opened her mouth, but then a loud barking filled the air. Stanley's gaze turned to one filled with horror. "Dogs! Run!" She screeched, and took off into HollyClan territory, splashing across the stream. Mint and Hazel followed.

Sunpaw sighed. She couldn't let them go into HollyClan territory alone. "I'm going to regret this," she muttered. But she followed them into the heart of enemy land.


By the way, Stanley is my cat. The picture is of her.

Yay update! And cliffhanger! Who shall she meet.... MWAHAHAHAHAHA

DID ANYONE CHECK OUT SWIFTIE YET? Oh wait... That was on Rain's Peril, wasn't it? NEVER MIND!


~✨🐱✨ Rainfeather ✨🐱✨

Omen of the Sun Book Two: Snowfall ✅Where stories live. Discover now