Chapter Ten

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Moonpaw thrashed awake, panting. The moonlight shone down from the little holes in the ceiling of the apprentice den. She looked around. What had awoken her? Something didn't feel right. Maybe that was it.

Her gaze fell on Gingerpaw, sleeping beside her. Their nests were at the front. If she strained her eyes, she could just see Sunpaw's slumbering form-

Wait a mouse length. Where was Sunpaw?

Moonpaw got up quietly and picked her way over to Sunpaw's nest.

Sunpaw was not there. She was not in her nest.

Moonpaw ran out the den, passing through the small cave and out into the open, where she looked around frantically. No silver and black tabby.

She pressed her paws into the ground. "I need to find her," she whispered. "I need to find Sunpaw!"

She went back into the apprentice den and sniffed Sunpaw's nest. Getting a good scent, she followed it out into the forest, determined to find her missing denmate.


"Sunpaw. Open your eyes."

Sunpaw blinked open her eyes and was instantly hit by a shock of white hot pain. "Ow!" She shrieked before she could stop herself. "Shh," said another voice. Doveheart. Doveheart passed her a small black seed. "Eat that. It'll help with the pain."

Sunpaw was in too much agony to argue. She crunched down the seed. "Where am I?" She asked. She was in a forest, but not the dark forest. The oak trees stretched high and their leaves sent cooling air down onto the cats below. Sunpaw tilted her head slightly to find the cats in the clearing. Raintail, who had spoken first. Doveheart. Lilycloud. A black and gray cat she didn't recognize. And- her breath hitched- Frost.

"Frost," she growled. "So you got into StarClan. You all must have had some judgement issues that day. I pity you."

"No, Sunpaw, stop," Lilycloud began. But Frost stood up elegantly, her tail flicking over Lilycloud's mouth. "No, no, Lilycloud. Let me tell her."

"Tell me what?" Sunpaw demanded. Her wounds ached like white fire. Frost turned to her. "Well, you see, Sunpaw, I'm one cat in your head. I'm a part of that voice you heard during the battle."

Hello! ^_^

Did you like Moonpaw being a part of that? I think I do. I'll probably be switching between cats. Even in different Clans.

Here's a small list of who will probably be cats P.O.Ved.

Nah, you didn't think it'd be THAT easy, did you? Silly ^_^. I'm keeping you in the dark :)

Later, Pixiesdust Masterz!

~✨🐱✨ Rainfeather ✨🐱✨

Omen of the Sun Book Two: Snowfall ✅Where stories live. Discover now