Chapter Twenty Two (The Actual Version xD)

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"Hey, wake up," Sunpaw said, nudging Moonpaw and Gingerpaw. "We have training today. Battle training."

It was the night after the night where Applefoot had had her kits. Silverstar's neck wound was still fragile, and whispers around the camp said that she was on her last life. Sunpaw wondered if she would die, and hoped not. She was her leader, and had let her into the Clan. And Sunpaw really didn't want Applefoot to become Applestar.

Gingerpaw lifted her head and blinked groggily, and Moonpaw rolled over. "'M'up!" Gingerpaw mumbled, her words slurred with sleep.

"Good, Skypelt says to meet outside. If you don't hurry up, you won't be able to get any food!"

Sunpaw had woken at dawn, but hadn't been able to get on a border patrol. Silverstar was stubbornly organizing patrols, even though Featherpelt had told her she shouldn't leave her nest for the next few days. She also hadn't appointed a deputy, even though Applefoot surely couldn't be able to organize patrols and go out and hunt and train when she had kits to nurse! Sunpaw wondered bleakly if there was something she was missing. Probably. Thanks to Goldleaf, she seemed to know nothing these days.

On the topic of Goldleaf, Sunpaw decided to try and find out who that tom was. Goldleaf had told her that he was a plump light gray cat with dark flecks. Sunpaw could kind of remember a cat like that, although she wasn't sure how.

"Good morning, Skypelt," Sunpaw meowed, dipping her head to her mentor. Skypelt blinked at her. "Good morning, Sunpaw. Have a good sleep?"

"Yes," Sunpaw said. Then she and Skypelt sat and waited for Moonpaw and Gingerpaw.

Finally the two siblings padded out. Shadowfur and Hailheart and joined them by then. "Right, you two, you need to be up earlier, or you'll be left behind. I'll have you clean the elders' den later, and check them for ticks."

Moonpaw and Gingerpaw groaned but, wisely, said nothing.

"Let's get going," Shadowfur meowed, taking the lead. Sunpaw fell into step with Skypelt. "Did you hear what Applefoot named her kits?" Skypelt asked.

"No," Sunpaw meowed, glancing at her mentor. "Oh! They're named Rainkit, Briarkit, Emberkit, and Fernkit. They're all she cats," Skypelt reported.

"Hm," Sunpaw said, not paying attention.

"Okay, we're here," Shadowfur announced a few minutes later. "Here's what you're going to do: Gingerpaw and Moonpaw together should be a fair challenge for Sunpaw-" (Sunpaw glowed with pride) "-And so they will be a team. Each team, so Sunpaw and then Moonpaw and Gingerpaw, will go find somewhere to make a camp in the forest. Then they will mark it with this moss-wrapped acorn that I will give you." She flicked her tail at the acorn.

Sunpaw felt excited. She was up for the challenge. She bounced on the balls of her feet as Shadowfur continued.

"Then, you will scout around the forest and attempt to find the other team's camp. Then they will steal the acorn and bring it to us. We will be hidden around the forest as well. You may bring it to any one of us. Also, you may need to fight to get to the acorn."

Sunpaw felt a rush of excitement. This was so cool!

"Here's a few rules," Skypelt put in. Sunpaw heard Gingerpaw stifle a groan. "You may not leave the territory. Also, you may not make your base underground. You may not carry the acorn around with you."

"We will be watching you," Hailheart promised ominously.

"As soon as you place your acorn, you may try and find the other team's base," Shadowfur meowed. "You can hide your acorn, but only under a few leaves or something."

"Let's get started!" Sunpaw mewed.

"Alright, on the count of three," Shadowfur said. "One, two, three!"

Sunpaw leapt off to find her base area.

It was on.


Sorry for the lack of updates

Sorry for the small chapter


I've not been doing very good at updating for the past few days in any of my books. Pretty pretty please don't hate me!!!

I've got lots of homework and literally 0 inspiration to write. My friend had to nag me FOREVER to write this.

Oh, and about the last chapter. It's a long, long story. Sorry for any inconveniences you may have suffered because of it (Gosh I sound so official!)

The training will be explained in more detail in the next chapter. :)


Omen of the Sun Book Two: Snowfall ✅Where stories live. Discover now