Chapter Twelve

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Sunpaw sighed. "Doveheart, can I please get up now?!"

Doveheart shook her head. "No! I'm still working. Lilycloud, could you please go get the Starlake Herb?"

Lilycloud nodded and bounded away. "What's the Starlake Herb?" Sunpaw asked. Doveheart sighed. "It's an herb that can heal only the sickest cats. We have decided to use it on Cinderpaw."

"What? Really? That's excellent!" Sunpaw shrieked. Doveheart hissed. "Relax, or else I won't be able to finish healing you! Raintail, come here. You too, Frost."

Sunpaw breathed more evenly when she realized that Cinderpaw wouldn't die, even considering the fact that Cloverfur was poisoning her. She knew what she needed to do- kill Applefoot and Cloverfur.

It was the only way. But, she realized something. In the prophecy, she was the sun. She knew that. But the prophecy announced that the sun would die.

Well, she was just going to have to change that prophecy. The power of the stars would rule over all, and they would decide her fate.


Applefoot walked out of the warriors' den, her blue eyes darting around the camp. She had to sort patrols. She smiled to herself as she thought up patrol ideas. Sunpaw can go on a patrol with Stonewhisker... And Skypelt will have to go, I suppose. And Shadowfur will go too; that's two of my supporters, and they can hunt near FlowerClan. I heard there's been some tenseness there, between Sunpaw and an apprentice... Maybe they'll meet up and have a fight....

She padded over to the fresh kill pile and took a squirrel from it, enjoying the meatiness of it. There was snow lightly dusting the camp's floor. She finished off the squirrel, but was still hungry. She got up and walked over to the fresh kill pile again, this time choosing a trout. She devoured it in quick bites.

Someone snickered. She whipped around, eyes blazing. She felt heavy, like sleep hadn't left her yet, and very hot under her pelt. Her stomach churned. "Who laughed?!"

"Looks like someone's been stocking up on fresh kill..."

"StarClan, I think Applefoot's decided to go into hibernation..."

"Holy mud- I think the queens may have a new denmate!"

What were they talking about?! She hissed at the group of cats who had gathered near the fresh kill pile. "Mind your own business!"

She turned and strutted into the forest, feeling the chill slightly. She didn't feel very well; maybe she should go see Featherpelt when she got back. Now, she just wanted to hunt. She had forgotten about the patrols for the moment.


Goldleaf watched as Applefoot strutted out, feeling like a stone had decided to drop into his belly. Things had just gotten a whole lot more complicated. Applefoot looked like she was expecting kits- and they seemed to be his.

Oooooh StarClan! This is finally getting really interesting!!!! Yay!!!

Sorry for the probably-late update- I had this all written out on a train, but since I had no wifi because it was on my iPad.... Yeah. No uppie-date.

Also, who wants to join my Warrior Cats RP? The only one to join was Swiftie Jay Jay (@Swift_Jay my bud :D)

Bye! I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

~✨🐱✨ Rainfeather ✨🐱✨

Omen of the Sun Book Two: Snowfall ✅Where stories live. Discover now