Chapter Eighteen

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"Sunpaw, go on a border patrol with Skypelt, Shadowfur, Cinderpaw, and Greenflower."

It was a moon and a half later. Applefoot was standing on the Rock Pile, ordering patrols. Sunpaw looked at her balefully, noting that her stomach was bigger than a badger's, and she knew the kits would be born soon.

Sunpaw was surprised that she was put on a patrol with Cinderpaw. She and Frostpaw were almost at their warrior assessment, so most of their time had been spent training. Sunpaw shrugged it off and Cinderpaw padded up to her.

"I think you're training with me and Frostpaw later today!"

"Really?" Sunpaw asked. "That's great!"

"Yeah. Have you-"

Sunpaw cut her off, knowing what she was about to say. "No, I have not forgiven Goldleaf, and I don't intend to any time."

Cinderpaw's face fell. "Why not?" She demanded. "He told me the other day that he didn't mean for Applefoot to have kits."

Sunpaw sighed with exagerated patience. "Seriously, Cinderpaw, just leave it, alright? Please."

Cindepaw looked about to argue more, but something in Sunpaw's face seemed to warn her against it. "Alright," she muttered. "Good," Sunpaw said. "Let's go wait by the entrance for everyone.


"HollyClan and FlowerClan are attacking!"

Sunpaw snapped her head around as Gingerpaw charged into the camp, her eyes wild. "Attacking!"She repeated.

Silverstar leaped off the Rock Pile, where she had been sitting. It was sunhigh, and Sunpaw had been sharing a vole with Cinderpaw before they left to go train. "Where?" Silverstar asked Gingerpaw.

The young apprentice panted. "At the corner of FlowerClan and HollyClan's border. They joined forces, and Hailheart, Shadowfur, Stonewhisker, Frostpaw, and Applefoot are being attacked and they're outnumbered."

Silverstar cursed. "Applefoot's going to give birth any day now! Okay, Sunpaw, Cinderpaw, Tansypool, Skypelt, Greenflower, Goldleaf, and Lightningfeather come, and the rest of you stay and guard the camp."

She leapt off the Rock Pile and raced for the entrance to the camp. Sunpaw and Cinderpaw looked at each other, then followed.

Sunpaw followed the crowd of cats as they raced through the woods. Snow was on the ground, and snow was still falling. She kicked it up with her paws, glad she was at the side of the group so she wasn't assulted with it. She recognized the way they were going, but Silverstar had them moving so quickly that she barely could see it. They cut a wide arc around the huge cave Skypelt had once shown her, and soon they were at the battle area

They crept around and watched the fighting for a moment. Then, Sunpaw's heart racing, they leapt into battle.

Ugh, sorry this is so short >.<

I promise the next chapter will be really long. It's going to be a long, hard battle. You'll see. There will be some unexpected visitors. It'll be really cool, I promise! :)

Again, I'm really sorry this is so short.


Omen of the Sun Book Two: Snowfall ✅Where stories live. Discover now