Chapter Thirty

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Cinderstorm whipped her head around in shock. One moment Lightningfeather had been there, the next- gone! Just gone out of midair!

"Has anyone seen Lightningfeather?" she called out to the cats around the camp- Amberclaw, Shadowfur, and Gingerpaw. Most cats had gone inside to rest. Her mother, Snowblaze, was strtched out in the middle of the camp, drawing eyes. Cinderstorm looked away.

All the cats shrugged. "I thought he was with you," Amberclaw said. Cinderstorm stared at him for a moment, then slowly shook her head. "N-no. I thought... but oh well."

She turned back to her sitting position. Try as she might, she couldn't get Lightningfeather off her mind- more specifically, the way he just vanished.

Suddenly, something came unbidden into her mind- a thought, almost, from which seemed to bloom a picture. She saw Lightningfeather with... Applefoot (!?) and standing over the body of a gray cat.

The cat was Featherpelt.

Words twisted through the picture. What have I done?

Cinderstorm realized it was Lightningfeather. What the moon?!

She didn't know what was happening. All she knew was that she had been thinking of Lightningfeather, and boom! Here she was, seeing him and his sister.

But what had happened, and what were they doing?

Cinderstorm let her eyes fall shut and concentrated. Suddenly she could feel the cold, brutal wind whipping through her fur, stinging her flesh. Snow rained down on her, and she opened her eyes to find herself next to Lightningfeather. She reached over with her tail and tapped him on the shoulder.

Her tail moved through his body.

With a small gasp, Cinderstorm drew her tail out. The cold began to recede and she suddenly felt warm and floaty. But she was still with Lightningfeather and Applefoot.

Can I... read minds now? She wondered. Well then.

She tried to move, to lift her paw, but she couldn't. She seemed to be rooted to the spot, unable to move, even though she wanted to. She tried to speak, but couldn't.

Just then Lightingfeather turned, facing her. Her heart leapt as he looked at her, but then stilled when she realized he was looking through her. Like a glassy pond.

So she was... projecting an image of herself. But he couldn't see her.

Maybe it was only people she was thinking about?

She focused on Sunpaw. She pictured the small silver tabby in her mind and wondered about her. Where she was, how she felt, what she might be thinking about.

Instantly, she found herself ripped from where Sunpaw was- in the apprentice den, fast asleep. She felt a small prick of anger that she wasn't sitting vigil for her mother, then pushed it aside. Se had more important manners to attend to.

She looked down and saw herself floating above the ground, her paws skimming the soft surface of the apprentice den. Sunpaw didn't seem to notice her as she still slept on.

Cinderstorm suddenly wanted to return to her own body. Very, very badly. Her blue eyes searched around and finally landed on the exit. She willed herself to return to her body, and suddenly she found herself back to where she had started. She stood up as an experiment, and was happy to learn that she was able to move. She opened her mouth and let out a whisper.


She stepped forward and crouched next to her mother, wanting to eat but having no appetite. She couldn't explan what had just happened to her- or to Lightningfeather, assuming that her vision thing had been correct.

Or real.

She shook out her fur. If she had this... power of projection, she could call it, then maybe Lightningfeather had it too. Or something like that. Maybe other cats had powers.

But she didn't want t mention it to anyone else. She wanted to keep it a secret at the moment, except from Sunpaw. And maybe Lightningfeather.

Who knew? Maybe it could be deadly.

Little did she know that it would prove to be...

Yay cliffie! :D

I actually thought I published this yesterday. Guess I didn't :\

So I found this thing on the create section that told me where you guys were from, your ages, etc. I have people from USA, Australia, and Canada reading this. AWESOMESAUCE!


Yesh shortish capter. Mostly because I am lazy. But I am happy to say that I am seeing new readers on DoS (Dreams of Shadows) every day! :D Hopefully it's getting out there more and more people are reading it ^_^.

That's cool.

Thanks for 3K :))))

You guys rock.

Seeeeeee youuuuuuuuuuuu


Omen of the Sun Book Two: Snowfall ✅Where stories live. Discover now