Chapter Eleven

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Goldleaf breathed evenly, his eyes shut as he dreamed. He was swimming in a peaceful lake. He had been trying to get better at swimming ever since Sunpaw had gone with him to the lake when she first joined the Clan.

He glided smoothly through the water, his paws churning in the current. His fur was plastered to his body, and he ducked under, blowing a stream of bubbles out from his nose. It was peaceful here.

"Goldleaf!" A voice yowled. Goldleaf started, jerking to a halt in his swimming. He sunk a few cat lengths, then resurfaced to face the cat who had yowled. He was hit by a wave of shock- the cat was his mother, Wrenfeather. "Goldleaf. I have been watching you. But I must tell you this," she said, not waiting for him to speak.

Goldleaf shook his head. "No! No, please. What's going on? There's something weird here, I know it."

Wrenfeather shook her head, mimicking her son. "Alas, I cannot tell you nearly all that you need to know. But keep this in mind- you must protect the sun, if you want the Clans to survive, for the sun is the key to it all."

Goldleaf growled. "I don't understand!"

Wrenfeather began to fade. "Good bye, my son," she whispered.


Cinderpaw moaned and rolled over, every inch of her simultaneously burning hot and ice cold. She felt her nose running, but made no effort to stop it- she simply couldn't find the energy. She knew she had greencough- or maybe even blackcough, as did Frostpaw, lying in a fever-induced dream beside her. She heard snippets of conversation from Featherpelt to her mother, Willowfur, when she regained consciousness for moments, and every time the light gray tom looked grim.

She tried to fluff her fur out, to release some of the heat trapped beneath her, then made it lie flat again. She was so cold- yet so hot, so burning hot that it hurt to breathe. She didn't know what was wrong with her, but she just wanted to be healthy again.

Her legs kicked out in an uncontrollable spasm; they were tense and jerky, her muscles and tendons clenched. She had to fight this. She had to fight the sickness. The catmint that Cloverfur gave her didn't seem to be working- there was something off about it that she couldn't quite place.

Suddenly, Mistnose appeared to her. She gasped. Was she cured? No, she still felt sick. Maybe she was dead, and her grandmother was guiding her to StarClan. But no, that couldn't be right. Wasn't pain supposed to subside when you died?

"Cinderpaw! Oh, thank StarClan you're alright. My dear, you gave us all quite a scare. You should be alright soon- just follow me. Listen very carefully," the silvery-gray tabby she cat said rapidly. Cinderpaw felt too sick to reply, but Mistnose kept going. "You must not trust Cloverfur. It is your destiny to kill her. You must not trust her, ever. Do you hear me? Do not eat the food or herbs she brings you. Do not drink her water. Do you understand?"

Akthough Cinderpaw could not reply, Mistnose seemed to know what she was saying. "Good girl," she muttered. "Well, I'd best leave and report to Lilycloud. Bye now, dear!" And she disappeared without another sound, leaving Cinderpaw to wonder if she was finally so sick that she was going insane.


Lightningfeather lay on his bed of moss in the warrior's den, staring out into the open. Near to him, Applefoot lay neatly curled up in a ball. He sighed, glancing over at her. No matter what, she still was his sister, his littermate. But that never seemed to matter to her.

Cinderpaw was still ill, and he was still mad at Goldleaf, and Sunpaw was distant. Who could he turn to? His mother hated him, and his father was dead. He felt so alone.


He snapped his head backwards so fast it hurt. Growling slightly from the pain, he squinted to try and make out the figure in the shadows. He sniffed. Nothing, except a strange aroma of rain, and night.

"Lightningfeather, walk with me," the voice said again, and at that moment, Lightningfeather knew exactly who it was: his father, Lightningcloud. But- he was dead! How could he be here, when he had died moons ago? Lightningcloud seemed to sense his son's question. "Walk with me," he said again. "I cannot stay long."

He turned and stepped out of the den. Lightningfeather got to his feet and followed his father, who he had been named for.

Lightningcloud walked into the forest, his son trailing behind him. He turned to look at Lightningfeather. "Your role in this, Lightingfeather, is to be the spy."

"What?" Lightningfeather asked, narrowing his eyes in confusion. Lightningcloud nodded, his eyes fixed firmly on Lightningfeather's. Lightningfeather dropped his gaze, and Lightningcloud sighed. "You must be the spy, Lightningfeather. That is all you need to know. Whether you spy for the right or the wrong side- who is to know? It all depends on what you believe in, my son."

He rested his muzzle on Lightningfeather's head and melted away into the darkness.


More new info coming your way- I've decided that this series will actually be cut down to a trilogy. Three books.

So that means that these next book and a half will be reeeeeeallllyyyyy long. ^=^ just a head's up.

Also- just to tell you, I have a really, really packed schedule. You wanna know it? Here.

Monday: Get home from school at 2:45. Do homework. Eat dinner. Soccer practice till 9:30. Go to bed.

Tuesday: Get home from school at 2:45. Do homework. Go to Chinese lessons until 7:00. Eat dinner. Small study time, do clarinet, shower. Go to bed.

Wednesday: Get home from school at 2:45. Do homework. Go to CCD. Come back. Have dinner. Go to soccer practice until 9:30. Go to bed.

Thursday: Get home at 2:45. Do homework. Go to karate at 4:15. Come back at 6:45. Eat dinner. Small study space, do clarinet, shower. Go to bed.

Friday: Get home at 2:45. Do homework (Ugh). Go to dance at 4:30. Go to friend's house till 9:45. Go to bed.

Saturday: Soccer, and any weekend things, like birthday parties, Gaelic Football (My brother) matches and practices, Chinese homework, MORE clarinet, etc.

Sunday: Pretty much same as Saturday.

So yeah, not many updates coming along. Sorry! :\

But yay! Long chapter! :) And the picture is Sunpaw ;)

~✨🐱✨ Rainfeather ✨🐱✨

Omen of the Sun Book Two: Snowfall ✅Where stories live. Discover now