Chapter Thirty-Five

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Sunpaw followed Skypelt and Applestar back to the camp, her mind buzzing. This was it. The moment of truth.

Time to see whether she would live or die.

The sky was dark as they reached the camp. Cinderstorm was waiting at the entrance to the camp, her big blue eyes watching Sunpaw hopefully. As Skypelt and Applestar went along, she drew off to the side, padding off with Cinderstorm. "So... How'd it go??" Cinderstorm asked, her voice betraying her utter and complete excitement.

Sunpaw stopped, turned, and flashed her a grin. "I passed! Even the climbing bit!"

Cinderstorm, who had known for ages that Sunpaw wasn't great at climbing, smiled happily for her friend. "That's great! I-"

She broke off as she watched something over Sunpaw's shoulder. Sunpaw turned- and froze.

It was Applestar and Goldleaf. They were arguing, it seemed, but quietly. Casting a quick glance at Cinderstorm, Sunpaw padded over to the fresh kill pile, grabbed two carp and a trout, and quickly delivered them to Windheart, Rosefoot, and Peonystorm. Peonystorm looked up at her dully, her eyes cloudy and her two little kits skinny and quiet. Sunpaw felt badly for them as she walked out.

Cinderstorm was already sitting on a rock, with a skinny mouse held beneath her paws. She had chosen the one closest to Applestar and Goldleaf, who were still arguing. Sunpaw padded over to Cinderstorm, got up onto the rock with her, and bit into the mouse, swallowing a tiny mouthful. Though the mouse's skin was chewy and it had nearly no meat on it, and she could only eat a tiny bit, she wasn't focusing on the food- she was listening to Goldleaf and Applestar's whispered argument, as was, she could tell, Cinderstorm was.

"I don't care that they're not my kits," Sunpaw heard Goldleaf snarl, and she raised her eyebrows in shock. Goldleaf didn't care about the kits?

"There is absolutely no evidence suggesting otherwise!" Applestar retorted. "They are our kits, Goldleaf, and I will not have you ruining my reputation and destroying my leadership with some ridiculous story about me running off with a Kittypet. Preposterous!"

Though, Sunpaw thought she saw a flicker of emotion besides anger in the leader's eyes. Goldleaf rolled his eyes. "Is that really all you care about? Your status? What about their happiness?"

Who, Sunpaw wondered, was their? She decided it must have been the kits, and exchanged a surprised look with Cinderstorm. Then, Applestar let out a derisive snort, drawing her attention back to her. "Their happiness? What would they think about a father who was in love with another cat?"

Cinderstorm's neck fur fluffed, and Sunpaw involuntarily unsheathed her claws. They stung as she dug them into the rock. Did Applestar know how Goldleaf seemed to feel about her?

Goldleaf sucked in a breath. "I-"

Applestar laughed. "Don't deny it. It's written all over your face when you even look at her."

She half-turned towards Sunpaw, then stopped and turned back. Goldleaf had stiffened, his lean muscles taught and his skinny body tense. He looked as if he expected a huge blow to befall him and was bracing himself for it.

Applestar leaned closer to him, her eyes glittering. "And guess what Goldleaf? I'm going to punish you. I'm going to hurt her; kill her, and slowly, and I'm going to make you watch. And then I will kill everyone you love. And when it's just you and me, then I will kill you. Slowly."

Her dark blue eyes held no trace of compassion. Sunpaw felt her blood run cold and turned to Cinderstorm, where she saw her expression mirrored on her friend's face.

There was no question about it.

She was going to die.

Heeeeeyo! :)


I'll try to updated the ending tomorrow. TRY. Maybe it'll be out on Sunday.

K I'm rushing. Bai!

~✨🐱✨ Rainfeather ✨🐱✨

Omen of the Sun Book Two: Snowfall ✅Where stories live. Discover now