Harry Potter x Reader: The Girl Named Black part two

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"DAD!" You screamed and ran after Bellatrix. Harry was being held back by Remus. But no one would take this moment from you. She was yours, "Crucio!" You shouted with so much feeling that she weighed on the ground and you watched her suffer there. 

"Please...please..." she whimpered.

"You deserve no mercy you awful bloody whore of a witch." You insulted.

"KILL ME!" She shouted.

"Now you know how it feels." 

"Expelliarmus!" Someone shouted and your wand fell out of your hand.

Voldemort, the Dark Lord himself stepped over Bellatrix. "So much...anger, so much...hate. Your father left you. Why are you angry with her for that." 

"He didn't leave me." You said, scuttling backwards towards your wand.

"He didn't try to get back to you. Harry is the son he never had." Voldemort tried convincing you. He knew all the right ways to make you tick.

"And what about you?!" You shot at him. "I know your story. Abandoned at an orphanage. Your real name of a filthy muggle. Don't try to hide it Tom." 

Voldemort wasn't used to being insulted. "How dare you!" He raised his wand arm and you shut your eyes, hoping it would be quick.

"Expelliarmus!" Harry's voice shouted and Voldemort's wand flew into your hand. You caught it and pointed it at him. "You already took him. I won't let you take her." He said, tears that you hadn't allowed to fall stained Harry's face. 

"Until next time Daughter of Black...and my life long enemy...Harry Potter." He said. 

"Sectumsempra!" You yelled as he and Bellatrix disappeared into the fireplace. 

You collapsed in a pile of tears and Harry got on his knees before you. You sobbed worse than you ever had. Harry wrapped his arms around you and Dumbledore came in to you crying on his shoulder. "I will kill her... I will kill her." You shook in his arms.

"Shh, it's okay. She's gone now." 

"I'M GONNA KILL HER!" You shouted and Harry jumped back.

You brought your shaking hands up to your face and Harry gently grabbed your elbow to help you up. You still kept your hands covering your face. Harry draped an arm over your shoulder and helped you walk. 

The ministry had appeared and were now aware; He Who Must Not Be Named is back.


Living with Remus and Tonks was strange. They didn't know how to treat you, you could tell they would spoil you if you wanted. But you didn't, you just stayed holed up in your room with multiple copies of the Daily Prophet. 

Sirius Black found innocent, but dead, Peter Pettigrew guilty, but alive. It was so unfair, why did the best people always die. You missed your dad, you missed the way he'd hold your shoulders and kiss your forehead. You missed his jokes and stories about the marauders. You even missed him teasing you about Harry.

But you were so afraid of getting close to Remus and Tonks, scared if you finally ended up seeing them as family, they would die.

As you headed back to Hogwarts Harry was mad at you. 

"Why didn't you owl me at all this Summer?" He asked. 

"I'm sorry." You muttered.

His gaze softened. "Y/n I miss him too, I know how you feel."

"No you don't!" You snapped. "He's not your dad. He's mine." The anger that was built up inside you finally spilled out. "I don't know why you think that your life is mine! Because it's it, not everything I know or feel, you know or feel. Because you don't. You don't know what it feels like to not have a dad all your life and then find him and find out that he's just like you! You have no idea! So don't tell me you know what it's like! Because you don't!" Then you stormed out to sit on your own.

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