James Sirius Potter x Reader: Guessing

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As soon as you got the letter, you began packing and you almost forgot you weren't allowed to use magic to pack. So you asked your older brother to help. Marc had graduated Hogwarts 2 years ago, meanwhile you were still in your 5th year. "Marc!" 

"What do you need Y/n? You know I've got to head to work." He warned. 

"I know. Could you pack my bags?" You asked. 

"For what?" 

"I'm going to Lily's." 

"Lily Potter? Isn't she that 3rd year your always hanging around?" He guessed. 

"Yup, she's my best friend." You explained. 

"But she's two years younger than you." 

You placed your hands on your hips defensively, "So what?" 

"So shouldn't you have some friends your age?" 

You'd grown up being judged, you didn't need your brother judging you as well. "Look, I didn't ask you to judge. Can't you just wave your wand and pack it all up for me?" 

Marc gave you a look, "Please." You muttered. 

He pulled out his wand, Marc was tall and he had curly black hair and really dark blue eyes. "It's gonna be lonely without you." 

You and Marc had lived together since your 3rd year when Marc was in his 7th year. Your father had been very...aggressive with the two of you, so when Marc got the chance to take me and him to a better home, he took it. Your raggedy suitcase filled up and zipped itself. "Did you take Tweetie?" He asked. 

You shook your head. Tweetie was your little canary. Since you and Marc couldn't afford an owl, the tiny canary was the best you could get. "Could you apparate me to the Potter's?" You asked. 

Marc took hold of your hand and you grabbed the handle of the suitcase. After a few years of apparating everywhere with Marc, you'd gotten used to the twisting sensation in your stomach. The two of you appeared in front of the Potter's house. Lily, James, Albus and even Teddy were standing out front. Marc hugged you tightly, "Be safe Y/n." 

"I will." You told him. Then he released you and apparated away. 

You ran to Lily and she ran to you, closing the gap between you. You caught your smaller friend in a hug. "I missed you Lily." 

"I haven't seen you all Summer Y/n, where've you been?" 

"You know how Marc is...kinda protective, he wouldn't let me go until now." 

"Well it's a good thing he let you go this time. It's time for the Hollyhead Harpies' match against the Appleby Arrows. And we got free tickets from Mum." She said proudly. 

You released her and stared at her in shock, "Really? A real quidditch match?" You asked excitedly. 

James came over beside you, hands in his pockets, "Yup, and you're coming with us." 

"Actually, it was his idea." Teddy teased. 

James nudged him, a light blush crawling up his cheeks. 

"Really? Thanks James." 

James smiled really widely. "No problem." 


The quidditch match would be in two days, but you and the Potters were leaving tomorrow morning to get a good spot. Tonight however, you, Lily and the boys were hanging out in James and Albus' room. 

"Who wants to play truth or dare?" Lily asked. 

"Oh yes!" James agreed excitedly. 

Albus was shifting around weirdly, "I don't know..."

"Oh come on Alby, don't be chicken." Teddy teased. 

"How about you Y/n?" Lily asked and everyone held their breaths, awaiting your answer. 

"Only if there's skips." 

Teddy rolled his eyes but James was the one who spoke. "Fine, we each get 2 skips." 

You all agreed to the rules and Lily started by asking Teddy, "Truth or dare?" 

"Dare Lilster." Lily smirked. 

"We'll start off easy, I dare you to go wake up Mum and Dad by banging two pots together by their room." She said. 

Teddy frowned, "Fine." 

He headed to the kitchen and grabbed two pots heading to Ginny and Harry's room, once he was outside the door he banged the pots together loudly, then he pulled out his wand and banned them to the kitchen before diving into James' room and puffing out the candle, pretending to be asleep. Outside, you heard the door open. 

Harry knocked on the door and Teddy opened it, faking tiredness. "Whoever did that, please don't wake up your mother, she needs her rest before the big game okay?" 

Teddy nodded and Harry headed away. James lit the candles again and Teddy started the game. "Okay, Y/n truth or dare." 

Being a smart little girl, you chose, "Truth." 

Teddy smirked, "Do you like anyone at Hogwarts?" 

"Well sure, I mean everyone's pretty great, there's not really anyone I don't like-" 

"No like, in a crush way." 

You blushed, "Well er- I guess I might. I never really thought about it..." 

James and Albus sat up and started asking questions, "Who is it? How old is he? Does he like you? Where does he live?" 

Lily calmed them down, "Geez, if I wasn't your sister I'd think you both liked her?" 

Albus made a face, "No." 

James turned completely red, "Wha- what makes you think that? Pfft no..." 

"Then back to the game." Lily said. 

"I'm bored, we should play 20 questions." James suggested. 

"Yeah! About Y/n's crush." Albus said. 

You felt yourself blush again, "Is this really necessary?" You whined. 

"Yes." James, Albus and Teddy said at the same time. 

"Well I'm tired and I'm going to sleep, we have to wake up early for the game tomorrow." You said, then you blew out the candles and laid on your side, as not to face the three curious boys. 

When you heard all of them snoring and asleep, Lily poked your side, then when she knew you were awake, she gave you a hand up and led you to her room where she turned on the light and you both sat on her bed. "Spill." 


"You like James or Albus don't you? C'mon I'm your best friend and you have a crush on one of my brothers. I must know who." 

You knew Lily, she was just like Ginny persistent until the end. "Okay fine, I-I think I like James. And I have since last year really." You admitted blushing. 

Lily squealed, "Yes! I knew it! I bet he likes you. He's not going to leave you alone until he knows." 

"No! I don't want him to know! Because I know he'll have a girlfriend probably within the first week of school and I don't want to ruin what we already have." You explained. 

Lily pouted, "Fine, keep it a secret. But he will find out by the end of the school year at least. Y'know, it's his last year, it's your last year to tell him." 

"Or I'll like someone else by the end and it'll all be over and we can go back to being normal friends." 

"Whatever." Lily chanted. 


A/n, hello everybody. I'm back from the weekend. Thank you Fandomqueen006 for the request. I will be making a part two of this and of the previous George x Reader. 

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