James Sirius Potter x Reader: Stubborn Will

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It all started from the moment the sorting hat placed you in Gryffindor. Both your parents had been Hufflepuffs as well as your older sister so you had always thought you would be to. You were shocked when you were put in the house of the brave. 

You had walked stunned to the table where a boy with a warm smile beckoned you over. Of course you'd heard of him, everyone had. James Sirius Potter. "Hi I'm James." He said holding out a hand for you. 

You took it blushing, it was warm and he smiled at you charmingly from underneath his long lashes. "I'm Y/n." 

"Gryffindor!" The sorting hat shouted and the table erupted in raucous cheers interrupting you. 

"I'm sorry what was that?" James asked. 

You tried to speak again but Gryffindor table started yelling again and a boy with curly red hair sat beside James. "We made it mate!" He said. 

"Ayy!" James said and forgot all about you. 

You bit your lip as multiple people started butting in and trying to talk to James as the sorting ceremony came to an end. 

Ever since then you hadn't really talked to James much. At all actually, he was the popular boy. Always being followed around by crowds of people or surrounded by friends, and he really didn't seem to mind. You didn't want to get caught up in that at all. You preferred spending your time alone or in the library. 

"C'mon Y/n let's go it's time for the sorting ceremony." Your best friend Molly said. 

"No thanks." You said. 

Molly rolled her eyes. "Oh come on, seriously? Why not?" 

"Too many people." You said. 

"Really? You're going." She tugged your elbow lightly.


It was warm with all the other bodies of the other Gryffindors beside you. Molly was keeping a firm grip on your upper arm to ensure you didn't leave until after the ceremony was over. It was mid-sorting when everyone seemed to go silent even the stupid boys who don't stop whispering even during the sorting. 

You looked up to see what was happening. A small boy with black hair and striking green eyes was sitting nervously on the stool with the too big hat upon his head. 

You looked across the table where a certain messy-haired boy you hadn't spoken to since this exact day last year sat with a confident smirk on his face and you knew that the boy on the stool was indeed Albus Potter. 

It was taking a while and there were agitated whispers spreading around, "What's going on in my cousin's head?" Molly asked. 

You bit your lip in anticipation for the poor boy and all the stress he's probably going through when the hat shouted, "Slytherin!"

Everyone was shocked, no one screamed like they had for Fred or James or Molly. No one clapped politely like they had for you or Scorpius Malfoy. Everyone was silent as Albus nearly fell off the stool. You glanced at James who was staring mouth agape at his brother. 

You gritted your teeth and started clapping, arousing some claps from the Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs and eventually Slytherins. But most of the other Gryffindors sat in shock after the second Potter boy. 

You were reading about runes in the library when someone sat down beside you and tapped your book. You set it down carefully and saw big green eyes staring up at you. You raised an eyebrow. 

"You were the one who clapped right?" Albus asked. 

You smiled, "Yes. Congratulations." 

"For what?" He sighed, "That's what I want to know. I bet my howlers coming any day now." He said with a groan. 

"Why would you get a howler?" You said directing your attention away from the book completely now. 

"Because I'm Slytherin. My parents are gonna be so disappointed. I didn't fulfill the Potter legacy of Gryffindors." 

You gave out a little laugh, "Albus right?" You asked and he nodded. "Albus, if Harry Potter really is such a great man, he won't give a damn whether you're a Slytherin or a Gryffindor." 

"Yeah that's true, but what about James? You saw the disappointment on his face when he saw where I was sorted." He said sadly. 

"Well James can go suck Merlin's toes if he cares what house you're in." You said and Albus gave a little chuckle. 

"Hey you're pretty nice, why are you alone?" He asked. 

"I like being alone." You said but he detected the tiny hint of sadness in your voice. Even though she doesn't really admit it, Molly was pretty popular like all the Weasleys and Potters, so she couldn't spend all her time with you and you were often alone. It was true you liked it sometimes, but every once in a while you got lonely. 

"Hey you should hang out with me and Scorpius every once in a while." He suggested with a cute little smile. 

"Y'know what, that sounds fantastic Albus." 

"Hey what's your name?" He asked. 

"Y/n, Y/n L/n." You said. 

It's been about a year and you're still best friends with Albus and Scorpius, so much so that you didn't even think twice when Albus invited the two of you over for Christmas break. 

You arrived at the Potter house and knocked at the door. You expected Albus to open it because for some reason, Albus didn't even feel like a 'Potter' to you. He wasn't popular or drastically famous or anything. He was just Albus and that's what you liked about him. But who opened it wasn't Albus, it was James. 

He raised his eyebrows when he saw you, "Y/n L/n isn't it? Wow it's been a long time, I didn't expect you to turn up out of the blue. You don't even talk to me." 

"I didn't think you noticed James. Albus invited me, may I come in?" You asked more confidently than you actually felt. 

"Hey you're really pretty." He said. 

You turned around and raised an eyebrow, "Thank you." 

He smiled, "You're welcome." 

"Y/n you're finally here." Albus greeted running up with Scorpius to steal you away from James. 

"Hi Albus, Scorpius." You said and they led you to Albus' room. 

Fred's pov

James returned to his seat beside me with a weird expression on his face and I sighed. "James you have no chance." I said. 

"Hey! What makes you say that?" He asked. 

I laughed, "Really James? Really? Y/n thinks you're just a stereotypical popular flirt. She wouldn't get with you in a million years. You barely took the time to learn her name in 3 years." 

"Fred, it's gonna be her. I know it, I can feel it." 

I sighed, this would be interesting.

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