Ron Weasley x Reader: Model part 2

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You woke up barely remembering a thing with a massive headache. You opened your eyes, having to blink a few times to ease the blur. "Where...?" You trailed off, your head pounding. You tried sitting up and a red-head came into view. 

"Easy there spunky. You have quite the hangover." 

"Hangover?" You asked. 

Ron handed you a steamy mug, "Mum makes this for me and my siblings when this happens to us." 

"I don't drink..." You said and a wave of nausea hit you. 

Ron laughed, "That's what you said last night as well, Charlie managed to change your mind with some Irish whiskey." 

You groaned and Ron forced the cup into your hands and helped you tip it back. It warmed your scratchy throat and almost immediately your headache lessened and your nausea disappeared. You sat up completely and Ron sat beside you. "Better?" 

You nodded weakly, taking another sip. Your vision came back into focus and your head cleared and you looked over at Ron who was looking at you with a worried expression. 

Your eyes widened, "Where am I? Did we...?" You trailed off hoping you were wrong. 

"You're at my house. No we didn't. You wanted to but I knew that if you weren't drunk you definitely wouldn't have wanted it so bad." He said with a laugh to ease the tension. 

A million thoughts swirled in your head, you'd only met this man always made sure never to get drunk on the first date which was why you didn't drink at all. Who was this Charlie? And who did he think he was, getting you so drunk against your will? 

Ron smiled, "When you're ready I made eggs, sunny side up."

You watched him get up and leave to wherever the kitchen was. After an unspecific amount of time, you got up, using the wall to steady yourself and still carrying the mug in your hand. You followed in the direction Ron had left before and found yourself at a cute little kitchen. Ron's back was turned and he was setting up a little rectangular table. You set the mug down gently and Ron turned. 

"Oh, you're up!" Ron said and walked over to you. He placed a cold hand on your forehead, "How are you doing?" 

"I'm fine, it's not like I'm actually sick right." A flash of the night before came back to you and you saw a pretty blonde girl dragging you out to the dance floor. Then you remembered getting tossed from red head to red head, flashes of lights dancing around. A specific boy with shaggy red hair was smirking at you, holding up a bottle of whiskey and you guessed that was Charlie. 

Ron put an arm around you and helped you around to a seat with a steaming plate of eggs was waiting on a nice hand crafted place mat.  

"Thank you." You said as Ron put a nice cup of tea before you and sat beside you. 

"Do you remember anything?" Ron asked. 

"It's coming back." Names floated randomly around your head. Ron, Charlie, Fleur, Bill, George, Ginny, Luna, Audrey, Percy. A little baby with curly blonde hair. Snatching the bottle out of Charlie's hand and chugging. Boys chanting. You danced with literally everyone at the party before you were spun back into Ron's arms. "Kiss. Kiss. Kiss." People chanted. 

"No guys, we only just met. Plus, I'd better get her home before she right passes out." Ron said. 

"Kiss me Ron!" You said drunkenly. 

You snapped back to the present. "I was really drunk wasn't I?" You asked. 

Ron nodded, continuing to eat. 

"Thank you." You said quietly. 

Ron smiled, "That's what being a gentleman's all about." 

"There's not enough gentleman in the world." You ate the rest of the meal in silence. 

Ron drew you a bath after breakfast with bubbles of blue, pink and yellow while he left to run some errands. In his hurry to get out of the house, he must've forgotten you didn't have any clothes at his house. When you got out and dried off you instinctively went to his closet. "Would he mind..." You trailed off, you hoped he wouldn't because you didn't exactly want to get back into your dress. You took a large white t-shirt out of the very back on his closet and threw it on. You wore your underwear from the night before but hoped Ron would get back soon because you couldn't apparate with even the mildest of hangovers so you were hoping he could take you to a floo network when he got back. 

When he wasn't back at noon you were starting to worry, you knew that since he had grown up in a wizard family he certainly didn't have a cell phone. You went into the kitchen thinking maybe you'd do something nice for him for being so kind to you and got to work."
Ron's pov

"What kind of flowers would she like? Does she even like flowers?" Ron wondered aloud. 

"Howdy handsome, need some help over here?" Asked the flower shop lady. 

"Well I'm not sure what kind of flowers she'd want..." 

"What's she like?" The florist asked. 

"She's cocky but modest and she's sweet and stubborn and absolutely gorgeous." 

"What's the occasion?" She asked calmly. 

"I think I'm going to ask her to be my girlfriend." Ron said. 

"How sweet! Purple lilacs represent new love and the beginnings of a relationship and roses are a classic! I can whip up a bouquet of those real quick." She offered. 

"Perfect, thank you!" 
Normal pov

The cookies came out perfectly, crispy around the edges and warm and soft in the middle. "I hope he likes chocolate chip." You said to yourself. 

"I do." 

You turned around so fast you almost dropped the pan of cookies. "Ron! You're back." You exclaimed. Then you turned back around and set down the cookies, "Took you long enough..." You muttered. 

Ron laughed, "Smells good in here." 

You smiled, "Freshly baked." You said, turning around and seeing what was in his hands for the first time. 

"I got you some flowers, and also chocolate..." He said. 

Your jaw dropped, "Why?" 

The tips of Ron's ears were turning pink again, "Well I kinda wanted to see." 

"Spit out then." You said with a laugh. 

"Will you be my girlfriend?" 

A/n hello! Last chance for requests for the hundredth part. Also I'm thinking about after I reach part 100 I might start another HP characters x reader book and work my way back up to 100. Or I could just keep going until 200 before splitting it up, but what do you guys think?

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