James Sirius Potter x Reader: The Story of the Stag part2

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You wandered through the woods at the Potter's house. You knew it was just a simulation to test you, but that didn't stop your heart from beating out of your chest. Mr. Potter had created a maze for you, Alice, James and some of the other Potters and Weasleys.

You turned down corner after corner. All the paths seemed so similar. Then you heard someone scream and you turned left towards the noise. You stopped when you realized you couldn't find anyone and the maze was filled with an eerie silence. You walked cautiously through a narrow path listening for any sign of where the scream had come from. It was probably just Ali, she's really jumpy but still...

You turned the corner lost in thought and came face to face with a dementor. You froze up and completely forgot that Professor Potter had created this to test you. You were so scared you still couldn't produce a full patronus but in the face of the dementor you didn't even try. Then from around the corner you were vaguely aware of someone running to your rescue.

The person shouted "Expecto patronum!" Just as the dementor reached out a scaly grey hand to touch your face. A silver stag chased it off.

The boy's warm hand touched your cold arm, "Y/n I finally found you, come on we shouldn't be in here."

He took off his sweater and slipped it over you, his hand still on your arm he lead you back to the house where everyone was waiting in hysterics.

Alice ran towards you, tears streaming down her face, "Thank Merlin James found you!" She cried into your shoulder and you were still in shock. Mrs Potter was squeezing James tightly and Mr Potter had a tight expression painted on his face. He came forward and put a hand on your shoulder, "Y/n, come inside." He said. Alice released you and went to thank James and Mr Potter lead you inside.

"Are you cold? Would you like some tea?" He asked.

You felt the warmth of James' sweater on you and shook your head. Mr Potter nodded and sat beside you on the couch. " Y/n, I apologize for the dilemma in the maze. We found out an hour ago." He explained.

"What?" You asked totally lost. "It was real?"

Mr Potter nodded gravely, "Gregory Goyle Sr. has escaped Azkaban."

"S-so they leased the dementors to catch him?" You asked.


Later that night you were laying on your bed in the guest room with Rose and Alice. You stared at the ceiling and you couldn't stop thinking about James.

"When he heard you were still in the maze..." Rose started. Alice was asleep in her sleeping bag on the ground. Rose was in the bed on the other side of yours. "He didn't even hesitate. And he knew the dementors were out, we saw one a few miles away. He ran right in there after you." She said, propping her head on her arm and looking at you.

"James?" You asked.

She nodded, "He was so scared for you. He cant even do a patronus...but he heard your name and he just ran after you. He didn't even know where you were." She shook her head in awe.

"He can." You whispered.


"His patronus is a stag." You explained.

Rose smiled, "Of course it is."

You smiled too and you looked out the window right when a rock was thrown at it. "What the-"

Rose went over and peeked out the window with you, "Its James!" She squeaked then she pointed to James' left where a dementor was approaching.

You jumped out of bed and Rose cried out for you but since she was only 13, it made sense she didn't chase after you.

You sprinted out the door and saw James' wand on the couch, of course he was so stupid as to leave it there. Your own wand was in your hand. James was panicked without his wand and he stared at the dementor, his face dangerously pale. He crumpled to the ground, you gasped. "James! Expecto patronum!" You yelled remembering a year ago when Fred, James, Alice and you had a food fight in a deli. You didn't want to lose that.

A full fledged patronus shot from your wand. It was a doe and it chased off the patronus. James was sitting on his knees in the grass. Gripping your wand tightly you ran over to him and fell to your knees in front of him and touched his face. You took off your Gryffindor scarf and draped it around him, secretly hoping he wouldn't take back his sweater. "James..." you said when he touched your hand that was on his face. Then he put his other hand on your neck and pulled you into a kiss and your breath caught.

"You're my doe." He said when he pulled away. You smiled and Ginny, Hermione, Ron and Harry ran out of the house, Alice and Rose right behind them. They rushed out and you pulled away from James. He got up and offered a hand to you, you took it and he pulled you up into a hug, "Thank you." You blushed and just as soon as he had you in his arms, he left to tell the parents. You looked to your right where your doe stood, as soon as you saw her, she disappeared and you smiled as you walked back. And that's the story of the stag.

A/n I am so sorry this took so long. If you requested something a while ago, can I ask you to ask it again please.My Summer is booked and its really hard to find your requests unless you messaged me. I hope that this was good, thank you for staying with this book so long!! ❤❤

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