Draco Malfoy x Reader: Queen

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There's like one cuss word in here so if that bugs you uh...sorry

Hufflepuffs are always being underestimated. You hated it and you wanted to change it. No, you weren't a Hufflepuff, but your brother is. As a Gryffindor, it's your job to stand up for the weak. That included him. 

A group of Slytherins that were in your year were picking on your brother and his best friend at this moment. You marched over to them. You put your hands on your hips and gave a little cough, two of them turned then they tapped their leaders shoulder. It was Draco Malfoy. "What do you think you're doing?" You asked. 

Draco came to face you, a smirk on his face, "What's it to you?" 

"Don't play games with me Draco. You know he's my brother." You said. 

"Oh is he?" He said bored. 

"B/n, go ahead." You told your brother leaving you with Vincent, Gregory and Draco. You used to be friends with the boys until they became resident school bullies. Your brother and his friend left and you crossed your arms before the three boys. "That's too far. I try to stay away from you Draco, why do you keep coming back?" 

"I'm not trying to get your attention Y/n. I could ask you the same thing, because it really seems like you look for me." Draco smirked as he walked away, Gregory and Vincent following behind him. 

You sighed and shook your head, walking away. Next time.


It was a Hogsmeade day, you didn't feel like going but Ginny was making you. "C'mon Y/n please!" 

"Gin, you never want me to go so bad, why is this time any different?" You asked her. 

"Because this time someone wants to see you!" Ginny squealed. 

"Uh what?" You asked. 

"Just get ready and meet me at the carriages in an hour." 

Blaise's pov

"Draco, just trust me you're gonna want to come." I persisted. 

"The one time I don't want to, are you serious Blaise?" Draco asked me. 

I smirked, "Yeah, I heard there's this girl..." 

Draco sat up, "She pretty?" 

I laughed, you sure think so, I thought. 

We got into a carriage just as Ginny and Y/n were coming down the stairs, boy was Draco gonna be surprised, maybe this would make both of them less depressed all the time. 

Normal pov

Ginny led me to the Hog's head where two other boys were waiting. "Surprise!" Ginny and the darker skinned boy said. 

"Uh what?" You asked. 

"Blaise!" The other boy growled...oh Merlin, it was Draco. 

Ginny then turned to you, her big brown eyes forming puppy dog eyes. "Please Y/n, you have to say you will! I'll do anything you want for a year!" She pleaded. 

"Draco, I know you're mad right now, but as your best friend-" 

"You're not my best friend." Draco interrupted Blaise. 

"You have to trust me on this." Blaise continued. 

"What exactly are you proposing?" You asked Ginny. 

Her and Blaise answered at the same time, "You two have to go on a date!" They exclaimed. 

You blinked, what was going on? 

Draco crossed his arms and turned up his nose. "I don't fuck with peasants." 

You marched up to him and grabbed his tie and kissed him. Then you shoved him back. "Then it's a good thing I'm a queen." Then you walked away leaving Ginny, Blaise and Draco in shock.


7 years later

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You walked down the isle to greet your fiance on the other side

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You walked down the isle to greet your fiance on the other side. That dude who did all the vows was talking and you had joined hands with Draco, he was looking sharp in a nice suit with a silver tie. When he got to Draco's part, he beamed, "I do." 

Then it was your part, you smirked, "I do." 

Draco was about to kiss you but before you said, "I guess that makes you my king." 

He smiled and kissed you, what an ending.

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