~Final Chapter~

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A/n PLZ READ: This is the last chapter I will be writing for this one shot book at least for now. In this chapter, the reader is the twin sister of Teddy Lupin which means she's family to all the Potters and Weasleys and such. It isn't really an x reader so much as just a cute thing showing a platonic relationship between the reader and them. Thank you so much for reading this book and I hope you enjoy this last chapter!

Your eyes widened at the ugly sight before you. You had just arrived at the house that you shared with your boyfriend from a business trip and there he was...biting at the neck of some random girl. He caught sight of your horrified and teary eyes. "Y/n...." He started. 

You shook your head, backing up a step. The girl looked back at you with a shriek and went to cover her bare top. You started running out of the house, your boyfriend tripping over his feet to get to you, "Y/n wait!" 

When you were out front, he grabbed onto your left arm and you slapped him...hard. "Don't!" You said with a feral glare, he released your arm. "Don't touch me." You apparated away to the one place you always knew you could call home. 

The burrow was alight with happy chatter and warmth that you weren't in the mood for. But you knew that the moment you stepped in there, they'd be jumping to your defense and comfort. Tears streamed down your cheeks as you shakily knocked on the door. 

"I'll get it!" You heard a familiar voice say before your twin opened the door. His blue hair matching that of the sky. "Y/n..." 

You let out a sob and launched yourself into your twin's arms. He wrapped his arms around you as the rest of the family began to crowd around the door, gasping and muttering upon seeing your broken state. 

A little while later, you were seated on the couch, surrounded by your large family. Teddy was sitting next to you, rubbing your back comfortingly. "Can you tell us what happened Y/n?" 

Lily handed you a tissue and you wiped your nose gratefully, "B/n cheated on me." You said with quivering lips. 

There was a deadly silence and you knew what everyone was collectively thinking. "Excuse me?" James asked after a moment. 

You explained the story from the moment you arrived home to when you apparated to the burrow. "I don't understand why?" 

"He's such a goddamn loser. He deserves that stupid face of his pounded in." 

"He doesn't deserve your tears Y/n." 

"I always said he was trouble." 

The only person who had stayed silent was your adoptive father, you looked up and met his eyes, "Dad?" 

"Sorry Y/n...I was just thinking. We should have a talk with this B/n." He said in a more menacing way than you'd ever heard from him. 

James, Fred and Ron smiled wickedly, "Yeah, we did warn him after all." James said. 

"What would happen if he ever treated you wrong." Fred finished for him. 

"I appreciate it guys but...you don't have to get into any trouble for me." You said sadly. 

Teddy frowned, "Usually I wouldn't agree to any...extra measures. But to be fair, we did warn him. Who would we be to not fulfill our word?" 

You smiled, "Thanks guys....what would I do without all of you?" 

They stood up and pulled you into a crushing group hug. You were filled with warmth and happiness...being part of a big family had its ups and downs but this was something you'd always be grateful for. They would always have your back, whether you were physically with them or not. 

Harry Potter Characters X Reader {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now