Chapter 1- There's a Truce, But Draco's An Idiot

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Harry was really, really late to Potions. He had woken up late and made the mistake of thinking he had time to grab breakfast real quick. (he didn't)

He rushed down the hallway, not looking where he was going, and ran into a warm, solid body.

"Ouch! Watch where you're going Potter!"

Harry looked up, annoyed. "Get out of my way, Malfoy. I'm late."

"I know." Malfoy looked smug. "Professor Snape sent me to find you."

"Of course he did," Harry muttered. He started walking down the hall.


He spun around, irritated. "What?"

Malfoy looked uncomfortable. "Thank you."

Harry gaped at him. Malfoy scowled.

"Thank you? For what?"

Malfoy rolled his eyes. "Are you really that daft, Potter? Thank you for rescuing me from the fire. Thank you for testifying at my trial for me. Thank you for testifying at my mother's trial. Thank you for not testifying at my father's. Thank you."

Harry blinked, stunned. "Of course. Thank you for not identifying me at the Manor."

Malfoy nodded his head in acknowledgment and started walking.


Malfoy sighed, and turned around. "What, Potter?"

"I'm tired of being enemies."

Malfoy just stared at him.

"How about a truce?"

"A truce?"

"Ya. Not a complete friendship, just... We don't make each other's lives miserable."

Harry stuck out his hand.

Draco stared at his hand.

And burst out laughing.

Harry stared. Not just in shock that he didn't accept, but Draco Malfoy was laughing. And his face was actually really beautiful when it wasn't sneering-

Nope. Bad Harry! Not allowed!

Malfoy took a deep breath, a hint of a smile still glowing on his face. "Sorry. It's just... I was remembering a scenario a lot like this one eight years ago."

Harry thought back, smiling, and he chuckled too. Malfoy took his hand and shook it.

"Truce," he agreed.



"Ron!" Hermione exclaimed. "I think it's great that Harry is making friends with Draco. They've been fighting for too long. Everyone's done with fighting, Ronald."

"I know," Ron replied, shaking his head. "But Draco Bloody Malfoy?! Why can't you start off easy with your making friends? Like Pug-face Parkinson? Or Malfoy's gay friend. What's his name? Blaine?"

"Blaise," Harry said tiredly. "And we're not friends. It's just a truce. He leaves me alone, I leave him alone. We're not going to start making out in the hallways or something."

Ron laughed with Harry at the idea of him and Malfoy ever being anything.

Neither of them noticed Hermione pull a disgusted face.


"Hey Potter!"

Harry jumped slightly at Malfoy's jeering tone. He felt Hermione stiffen next to him. Ron growled low.

Harry turned to see Malfoy leaning against the wall of the corridor, arms crossed, smirk on his face. Pansy and Blaise were standing behind him, Pansy sneering at Harry, and Blaise studying his nails with an expression of cool detachment.

Malfoy sneered at him. "What's wrong, Scarface? Did I scare you? I would ask if you were going to run to Mummy, but that's a bit of a problem for you, isn't it?"

Harry refused to let his shock show on his face. Hadn't they made a truce?

"Well, Malfoy," he said as calmly as possible, smirking right back at Malfoy, who seemed surprised he would retaliate. "It's because of me you still can, so think about that before you start pestering me like a little fly. You're welcome!"

And with that, he walked away, leaving a shocked Malfoy in the corridor.

Hermione snorted. "Did you see his face? He looked like a fish!"

They all laughed.

"I thought you two had a truce, Harry?" Ron said curiously.

"We did..." Harry replied, looking back with a confused expression on his face.

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