Chapter 33- Yeah sorry yikes lol

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we out here bois

nah jk this is the last chapter theres no cool ending i fuckin hate this book it stresses me out im out lmao sorry i originally had plot lines like Daphne being in love with harry and nott being in love with daphne and hermione and astoria being repressively into each other but fuck it

Harry decided he was pretty much in love with Draco.

The blonde was dancing with Pansy in the middle of the room, laughing and spinning as Seamus pelted him with Skittles and yelled that he was betraying the gays.

Ginny had charmed one of her father's Muggle radios to play in the Gryffindor Common Room, and they were having a party of sorts.

"You look hot!" Draco shouted over the music at Harry.

"I think I'm in love with you!" Harry shouted back.

Draco froze in his dancing and stared at Harry. Pansy paused her dancing, giving Draco a confused look.

Draco abandoned Pansy, who pouted until Ron took her hand and spun her into a new dance. The blonde marched up to Harry, a little closer than was purely platonic, but then again, when had anything between then been platonic?

"What did you just say?" Draco whispered.

"I'm in love with you." The words roll off of his tongue so easily, he would think they were made for this moment.

Draco's eyes were wide and he seemed unable to speak for a moment before he grabbed Harry and kissed him.

"I'm in love with you too."


They had made a table for eighth years.

Harry thought it was the stupidest idea in the world, given the history between them, but if Astoria Greengrass stood between him and waffles he could always just kill her.

Draco was holding Harry's hand as they sat down at the table, and Daphne didn't like that, if her piercing, angry eyes locked on their hands was any indication.

Harry, quite frankly, didn't give a fuck.

"Harry, Daphne's staring at us," Draco murmured.

"I don't give a fuck," Harry responded, grabbing a waffle.

Hermione wasn't quite sitting with them, but she was just a few seats away, sitting next to Astoria. The two weren't speaking to each other, but they seemed very comfortable in each other's presence. 

Ron was sitting across from Harry and Draco, with Pansy in between him and Daphne. She didn't seem to care that Daphne was on her left; all of her attention was on her boyfriend.

"Sup, motherfuckers," Blaise said as he shoved Daphne to the side, making room for him and Neville to sit next to Pansy. 

She scowled at him, but didn't say a word. Harry was grateful. He wasn't in the mood for a fight.

yeah no that's it lol sorry :/

Signing off for the last time on this book,


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