Chapter 17- We Have Three Angry Bitches. This Is What Happened!

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Harry was having a wild day.

It started with having to dress like a girl. After breakfast Draco had pulled him into a classroom and completely fucked up his lipstick. 

Then the funny yet fantastically thought out presentation by Ron, and the even funnier one by Blaise.

Then, in Potions, his third class of the day, Seamus snapped and pounced on Dean in front of the whole class. They both got detention.

Then at lunch, Pansy described all the hexes she had thrown at Hermione earlier, which was hilarious.

It had been a wild, but fun day.


*Hermione's POV*

Hermione stormed into the Slytherin Common Room. Astoria had given her the password.

"Where is she!?"

Daphne and Astoria's heads snapped up.

"Darling, we're the only ones here," Daphne said.

Hermione groaned. "Parkinson's been throwing hexes at me all day!"

Daphne pouted. "Poor child. Come on, we know what will cheer you up."

Hermione followed her up to hers and Astoria's shared room. "What is it?"

Astoria turned to face her, smirking. "Why, destroying dear Draco and Harry's relationship of course."


*Harry's POV*

Harry kissed Draco goodbye in front of the Slytherin dungeons.

"See you at dinner, angel," Draco said softly.

"Dinner, my dragon."

Harry walked up the stairs to the Gryffindor Tower when suddenly he was yanked into an empty classroom.


Hermione grinned as she looked at herself. "I look amazing!"

Astoria and Daphne nodded. They had pulled out tons of outfits until they found the perfect one.

Hermione wore a sleek, short black dress that clung to her like a second skin. The v-neck almost reached her belly button, showing off her rather nice breasts. Black strapped heels were on her feet. She had smoky dark eye shadow around her hazel eyes and red lipstick. Silver bracelets lined her wrists and a choker was around her throat. Her brown hair was curled and hung sexily framing her face.

She looked like a whore.

And it was perfect.

Daphne clapped her hands. "Draco won't be able to resist you!"

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Tell me again why I have to seduce Malfoy? Why not Potter?"

"Because Potter will suspect. Draco is too hormonal, poor boy. Plus he's already fucked both me and Pansy, it won't be new. All we need to do is get him to realize he's straight," Astoria replied.

Hermione nodded, and checked Daphne's outfit.

Daphne wore the same dress as Hermione, but in white. Her chest was admittedly bigger, and her heels, bracelets, and choker were gold. She had light eye shadow around her blue eyes and eyeliner, pink lipstick. Her black hair was curled the same way.

Hermione nodded her approval. "You look good."

They all walked downstairs. Hermione nodded determinedly at Astoria and Daphne, who nodded back. They walked out the door, and Hermione sat in a chair and waited.

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