Chapter 4- Truth Or Dare, Just Like Every Other Drarry Fanfiction Ever

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"Let's play a game!" Seamus called.

Everyone readily agreed.

"What game though?" Parvati asked.

"Truth or Dare?" Hermione suggested.

Everyone agreed again.

"Who starts?" Dean asked.

"Hermione can, since she suggested it," Harry replied.

Hermione smiled, and Conjured Firewhiskey shots. An "OOOO" went through the common room. Seamus swallowed his right away and was surprised when it refilled itself. He smiled. "Oh ya."

"Truth or Dare, Padma?" Hermione asked.

She tapped her chin, thinking. "Dare."

Hermione's grin became evil, and Padma suddenly realized she had made a big mistake.

"I dare you to go to Snape's office and..." she leaned over and started whispering in her ear. Her eyes got bigger and bigger and she choked a few times.

"Bloody hell, Hermione!"

She stood up to leave, but then grabbed her shot glass and tipped it back. "I'm gonna need it."

They all laughed.

They all followed her as she walked down to Snape's office. They stood outside the door and watched her.

Padma strutted up to Snape's desk and slammed both of her hands down on it, leaning forward.

Snape looked up, surprised. "Hello Ms. Patil. May I help you?"

"Oh you can help me in so many ways," she whispered in a low, seductive voice.

Snape stared at her, confused.

"You sexy beast, you don't even know what you do to me, do you?"

His face turned considerably paler. "Ms. Patil-"

"Watching you strut around class, sadly hiding that fine ass under your robes-"

He choked. "Miss Patil!"

Padma turned up her nose and flounced out of the room. They all ran up to the common room.

As soon as the last person got in there, they all collapsed to the ground laughing.

"You sexy beast!" Seamus choked out between giggles.

"Hermione that was brilliant!" Harry gasped, holding his sides.

They slowly regained control. That is, until Dean whispered "that fine ass" and they broke out in uncontrollable laughter again.

Finally, they regained the ability to breathe and continued their game.

Padma's eyes swept over everyone in the circle, landing on Neville.

"Truth or dare, Neville?" she said, an evil smile on her face.

Neville's eyes widened in fear, and he said "Truth" without a second thought.

Padma's smirk widened. "Who-"

"Hold on!" Hermione said. She waved her wand around the room, and golden sparks fluttered down. "Truth spell."

Padma nodded. "Neville, who was it that made you realize you were gay?"

Neville's eyes widened a considerable amount, and he slammed his hands over his mouth.

"Blez Zabny," came from behind his muffled hands.

Padma frowned. "What?"

Neville's hand shakily lowered, as did his head, as he whispered a barely audible, "Blaise Zabini."

Ron shrieked, Hermione winced, Ginny laughed, the Patil twins stared at him in shock, Angelina fainted, Seamus and Dean shrieked "BLEVILLE!", Lavender shouted " A Slytherin!?", and Harry laughed and said, "he's not bad looking, it's alright Neville, if I was gay, he's probably one of the first blokes I would crush on."

Everyone thought that over and nodded. With his tall, muscular figure, stunning smile, and black hair over dark skin, Zabini was definitely up there with the hottest guys in the school.

"All right..." Neville looked around. "Harry!"

Harry groaned. "Dare. You guys aren't getting any details above about me and Ginny or Cho."

"You still haven't told us if you and Ginny did it!" Seamus shouted. Ginny's ears turned red. So did Ron's.

"And I don't plan on it," Harry replied.

"Fine," Neville said dramatically. "Harry I dare you to invite the Slytherins."

This resulted in a lot of shouting, mostly Ron, but Neville waved them off. "How am I supposed to make a move on Blaise if he's not anywhere near me ever?"

Harry rolled his eyes, and took a shot. "Fine. Whatever."

He trudged out the door and down to the Slytherin common rooms.

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