Chapter 27- "Where Stories Come To Life" More Like "My Readers Want Me Dead"

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For context, "Where Stories Come To Life" is Wattpad's slogan

Also, let's use our manners when we ask for updates, and perhaps we will get them :)

"You really can't get past the whole torture thing, can you Lucius?" Harry asked. Despite his sarcastic, jeering tone, his voice was ragged and exhausted. "You know this kind of thing is only fun when both parties get pleasure, right?"

"For the last time, Potter, this is not a sex dungeon, and I'm not pleasuring myself to this!" Lucius shouted, irritated.

"You sure? You seemed to like it when I mentioned I have a thing for blondes and when I brought up the Daddy kink thing."

"I do not have a daddy kink!"

"That's what closeted kinky people with sex dungeons say," Harry replied.

"It's not a sex dungeon!"

"Well clearly. The only thing you've done to me is tie me up and torture me. I don't even have my shirt off yet."

"I don't want you to take your shirt off!"

"Does that mean you want to take my shirt off? Huh. Thought you were a strip tease kind guy. You learn something new every day."

"I don't want your shirt off at all!"

"You want me to keep my shirt on? Did you know this is Draco's shirt? I bet you did know that. You think it's hot that I'm wearing your son's shirt. Is that all you want me to wear? Is it part of the daddy kink thing? Did you decide your son wasn't enough? You felt the need to kidnap random boys and take them to your sex dungeon."

"It's not a sex dungeon!"

"Obviously. I'm not having much fun. Maybe if we brought Draco in, I could show you how kinky sex is supposed to work."


Hell hath no fury like an angry Draco, Blaise thought as they stormed through the castle.

Draco had no hesitation, sprinting to the Quidditch pitch and grabbing a broom, before shooting off into the air. Blaise and Ron quickly followed.

"How far do we have to go before we're out of the Apparation wards?" Draco shouted.

"I have no clue!" Blaise called back.

Draco sighed, and they continued for about a minute before Blaise felt the change in the air and realized they must have crossed the Apparation wards.

Without any hesitation, Draco grabbed Ron's arm and they Apparated away. Their brooms fell to the ground. Blaise sighed, before also Apparating to the Malfoy Manor.

Draco was already storming towards the house, Blaise and Ron running to keep up.

The doors were opened by a small house elf, who started to greet them, but squeaked in fright upon seeing Draco's face.

"Hello, Tiny," Blaise greeted warmly. The house elf smiled at him, and Blaise continued rushing after Draco.

Narcissa was stepping out of the basement doors when she saw them. She stilled completely, before moving to the side and allowing them to pass.

"Evening, Mrs. Malfoy," Blaise whispered in greeting. She smiled, nodding at him. Ron flashed her a quick smile, and they rushed after Draco once more.

Once they reached the bottom of the basement stairs, they all froze.

Harry looked... awful. His hair was messier than ever, his face covered in blood, clothes covered in a mixture of blood and dirt. His head hung low, but he was clearly awake. His arms were chained behind him, legs chained to the chair he sat in.

Lucius Malfoy stood up straight in front of him, back turned to the three boys watching him.

"It's not a sex dungeon!" Lucius was shouting.

"Obviously. I'm not having much fun. Maybe if we brought Draco in, I could show you how kinky sex is supposed to work," Harry taunted.

Blaise covered his mouth to stop himself from making a sound. Draco's mouth fell open. Ron turned away, trying not to laugh.

It was at this moment that Harry's eyes flicked behind Lucius and saw the trio standing, half-hidden in the darkness of the basement.

"Oh, wait, he's too busy fucking your Harry wannabe. Too bad. Draco's really good in bed, you know. He lets me call him da-"

"Shut up!" Lucius roared, pointing his wand at Harry, and Draco's entire body tensed.

The light above Lucius' head shattered, and Draco marched toward his father.

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