Chapter 25- I Don't Think We Talk Enough About How Much Of A Queen Pansy Is

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"Draco, you have a letter," Pansy said casually, tossing an envelope at him.


Pansy frowned. "You can't lay in bed forever."

"I can, and I will."

"It's from your mother."

"I don't care."

"She put the blue seal on it. You know she only does that when it's urgent."

"I don't care."

"Then can I open it?"

"Go for it, bitch."

"Thanks, asshole." Pansy snatched the letter back, ripping it open. Her eyes scanned the page, before widening slightly.

"Draco, we have to go."


"It's about Harry."

"Don't care."

"Draco, read the fucking letter. Now."


Pansy sighed heavily, before yanking on Draco's sleeve roughly, forcing him into a sitting position.

"Now you listen to me, Draco Lucius Malfoy! You're going to read this fucking letter and then we'll fucking see if you want to stay in your shitty bed, asshole!"

His eyesbrows skyrocketed a her anger, and he huffed, snatching the letter back and reading it. Instantly, he tensed.

"We have to go."

"Yeah, no shit, asshole!"

Dearest Draco,
I am writing to ask how your studies are going. I was wondering if you learned about Polyjuice potion yet. I've heard Theodore Nott excels in making Polyjuice. Maybe you could ask him if he could help you. 
I was also wondering how you and Harry were doing, and if he seems interested in the idea of making Polyjuice potion. 
Love you forever, darling.

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