Chapter 18- Don't Do Drugs, Kids

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Harry ran to his room, furious and ready to kill. When he reached the Common Room, Ron, Dean, Seamus, Ginny, and Neville stood up quickly.

"What's wrong mate?" Ron asked.

Through gritted teeth, Harry explained everything that had happened in the past ten minutes. By the time he was done, he had collapsed on a couch, worn out and upset.

Ron's jaw had dropped. Ginny looked dead furious, and Neville stormed out of the Common Room, followed by the rest of them. Seamus and Dean tugged Harry along, whispering meaningless consolations.


*Third Person POV*

Ginny, with Ron and Neville flanking her, and Harry, being consoled by Seamus and Dean, walking behind her, stormed into the Great Hall in the middle of dinner, and stopped halfway when she saw Pansy.

Pansy was walking in a similar fashion, with Greg and Vincent on her either side, and Blaise Zabini walking behind her with Draco. They stopped twenty feet away from each other.

"DRACO FUCKING MALFOY!!!!!" Ginny roared at the same time Pansy screamed "HARRY FUCKING POTTER!!!!!"

Ginny and Pansy stalked forward at the same time, as well as their bodyguards. Draco and Harry avoided each others' eyes.

"What the bloody fuck is wrong with Malfoy?" Ginny hissed as Pansy spat "What is Potter's fucking problem?!"

They stared at each other.

"What do you mean "what's Potter's fucking problem?" Ginny hissed. "Harry was practically mauled by your buddy Daphne, and then Draco came bursting into the room covered in love-bites and lipstick!"

Hermione, Astoria, and Daphne exchanged worried looks across the Great Hall.

"What the bloody fuck are you on about?" Pansy spat. "Draco here was nearly molested by your precious Granger, and Astoria came in to save him and told him she.. saw... Potter.... with....."

Realization was dawning on both girls' faces. Draco and Harry lifted their heads to look at each other in horror.

"GREENGRASS!!!!!" Ginny roared. She stormed past Pansy, Greg, Vincent, Millicent, and Blaise and aimed her wand at Astoria. Professor McGonagall stood, but Snape stopped her with a hand, smirking. Ginny hit Astoria in the face with a well-aimed Bat-Bogey Hex. She shrieked. Ginny whipped her wand again and hit Daphne with a Levicorpus.

At the exact same time, Pansy shrieked "GRANGER!!!!!" and whipped out her wand. She hit Hermione square in the chest with a Locomotor Mortis. Hermione let out a yell as her legs stuck together.

Snape cast a silent Immobulus on McGonagall.

Nott, Ernie Macmillan, Susan Bones, and Zacharias Smith, and Millicent Bulstrode jumped up to defend Astoria and Daphne. Anthony Goldstein, Hannah Abbott, Terry Boot, and Justin Finch-Fletchley stood to save Hermione.

Goyle and Crabbe glared at Ginny. "Astoria and Daphne are our friends!" Crabbe shouted.

Ginny glared. "Who are you better friends with, Draco or the Greengrass bitches?"

Goyle and Crabbe thought for a moment, and simultaneously pulled out their wands to point at Ginny. They backed up to stand with the Greengrasses, who had been countercursed and were also aiming their wands, Nott, and the others.

Goyle waved his wand. "Sectumsem-"

"STUPEFY!" Ron saved his sister just in time.

The seventh years and below watched the entertaining show.

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