Chapter 15- Ultra Gay

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Embarrassed about his outbreak, Harry pushed away from Draco, cheeks pink. He expected the other boy to be staring at him with confusion and disgust. He was not prepared for the concerned look Draco was currently sporting.

"Are you okay now?"

Harry nodded.

"Good." Draco stood. Harry's heart sank. So he really didn't care-

"Because I'm going to kill Granger."

Harry's head snapped up and he grabbed Draco's sleeve before the other boy could get away, laughing. "It's fine, Draco."

Draco pouted. "It's really not." He paused. "Did you just call me Draco?"

Oh. Fuck.

"Ya. That is your name, right?"

Draco stared at him with disbelief, before he broke into a smile. "Yeah. Okay. Harry."

Harry smiled, and pulled Draco down next to him. The other boy didn't protest.

They sat in companionable silence for a while, and then Harry broke it.

"What's your favorite color?"

Draco stared at him. "Come again?"

Harry shrugged. "I just realized I've been your enemy for seven years and I only known a few things about you, and those are just creepy stalker details I got from watching you for six years."

Draco stared at him for a minute. "You have creepy stalker details about me too?"

"Yeah. Wait- did you say too?"

Draco blushed. "Green."

Harry looked at him, confused.

"Green is my favorite color," he explained. At Harry's look, he sighed. "Not Slytherin green, you dolt. It's a bit lighter. What's yours?"

"Grey," Harry said, blushing furiously. "Like storm clouds."

Draco smiled. "Wanna play Truth or Dare?"

Harry nodded, and they sat in the armchairs facing each other.

Draco raised an eyebrow. "Truth or Dare, Harry?"

Harry blushed harder as Draco cast a truth spell around the room.


Draco smirked. "What creepy stalker details do you have about me?"

Harry turned a darker shade of red.

"I know that you only ever sit with Pansy and Blaise because you all have been friends forever. I know that even though you try to keep a cool exterior on the inside a lot of the time you're crumbling."

Draco's smile was fading.

"I know you don't like Astoria, Nott, or Daphne, I know that you prefer Firewhiskey over Butterbeer because Butterbeer won't help you forget, I know that even though you have loads of fancy clothes, under your robes you like to wear comfortable clothes."

Harry was turning more and more pink as Draco's eyebrows went higher and higher with each fact he stated.

"I know you hate your father, and love your mother, I know you never wanted to be a Death Eater, I know you dated Pansy for three weeks, Astoria for a month, and Daphne was a sex buddy for a while."

Draco's eyebrows shot to the roof.

"I know your favorite food is strawberry ice cream with whipped cream, I know that you prefer your toast with butter instead of jam, I know girls fall at your feet and you still turn them down, I know Astoria is madly in love with you, and I know that you're the hottest guy in this entire damn school."

And Harry dropped his head into his hands to hide his blushing face.

When he finally peeked up at Draco, the other boy was staring at him in shock.

"A few?!" he cried. "Jesus, you know more about me than my best friends."

Harry blushed, and waited for Draco to realize.

It didn't take long.

Draco stared at him, smirking. "You think I'm hot?"

Harry cleared his throat. "Truth or Dare, Draco?"


Harry grinned evilly. Draco's eyes widened. "You wouldn't."

"What stalker details do you have on me?"

Draco threw his head back. "Harry!"

Harry grinned.

Draco huffed. "Even though you hang out with Granger and Ron a lot, you like your alone time, so you often come here or to the library. You like to also hang out with all the Gryffindors together. You feel like an older brother to Long- Neville, so you often include him in conversations."

Harry nodded. That wasn't much.

But Draco wasn't done. "You also like Firewhiskey more, for the same reason I do. You wish every day that your parents were alive, along with Sirius. You want to be an Auror or a Healer, because you want to help and protect people."

Now it was personal. Harry was surprised Draco knew all this, and it must have shown on his face, because Draco flushed.

"I know that even though you have a prejudice against Slytherins, you like me and Pansy and Blaise. You often put a smile on your face when you feel like crying, and a lot of your clothes are hand-me-downs from your cousin. Your aunt and uncle and cousin were abusive and horrible towards you, but you still manage to be so kind. You are constantly scared people will drop you as a friend. You hate the whole "Chosen One" bullshit and wish you had a normal life. Your favorite food is treacle tart. I know that you are gay, and your favorite color is grey, and despite you saying I'm the hottest boy in the school, I really think it's you."

Draco's face went up in flames. Harry's jaw dropped.

"Holy shit," he said. The smirked. "You think I'm hot?"

"Yes," the truth spell forced it out. Harry smiled.

"Truth or Dare?"


"How do you feel about me?"

Harry slammed his mouth shut and tried to fight it, but he couldn't.

"I think you're really hot and sweet and I really think I like you."

Draco's eyes widened. "Wow," he whispered.

"Truth or Dare?"


"Kiss me."

Draco's cheeks turned pink. He stepped close to Harry's chair. Harry pulled him onto his lap.

Draco's grey eyes searched Harry's. Then they closed and he leaned in to brushed his lips to Harry's.

Harry's eyes slid shut and he kissed Draco back with as much passion as he could. Draco responded, sliding his tongue into Harry's mouth and placing his hands on Harry's waist.

Draco broke away, gasping. "Be my boyfriend?"

"Of course." And Harry pulled him back down for another kiss.

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