Chapter 32- Everyone's Oblivious, So Harry Gets Fucked (Again)

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"Someone got laaaaaaaaid!" were Pansy's first singsong words when they sat down at the Slytherin table the next day.

Draco blushed dark, and Harry just smiled.

"Heathens," Blaise said. "Where is your pure virginity?"

"Virginity who?" Harry asked, feigning idiocy. 

Blaise snorted into his juice.

Suddenly, owls flew in, dropping newspapers in front of everyone, delivering letters and packages, and eating some food before flying off.

Harry gaped at the headline of the Prophet.

Harry Potter, still a blushing virgin! Who will be the lucky girl to claim our majestic hero?

"Virgin?" Draco choked.

"Girl?" Pansy laughed.

"Claim?" Ron asked, looking sick.

"Our majestic hero?"  Harry shouted.

Draco scowled. "I feel personally attacked."

"You feel personally attacked? How do you think I feel? They think I'm a virgin!"

"Until about ten hours ago, you were," Draco countered.

"Fuck off."

Draco just grinned and took a sip of his juice.

Harry leaned over. "Draco, darling, I have a request."

"What is it?" Draco's laughing eyes were fixed on his, smile still on his face.

"I want you to fuck me, and I want everyone to know about it."

Draco's eyes glazed over before they snapped back to Harry. "Well, Harry, when you come out, you certainly do it with a... bang."


The next day, Rita Skeeter, as well as about forty other reporters, had been anonymously invited to Hogwarts, told that there was "information about Harry Potter that they wouldn't want to miss."

Five minutes after all the reporters had gathered in the Great Hall, Harry and Draco entered the room.

Harry's throat was absolutely covered in hickies, a slight limp to his walk, his lips still bruised from a kiss. He looked thoroughly fucked.

Draco's hair was a disaster, and he had hickies on his neck to match Harry's. His arm was wrapped around Harry's waist as he smiled sweetly at him, leaning forward to kiss him.

As cameras flashed, and people shouted their names, they grinned at each other.

"No one's gonna think I'm a virgin now," Harry murmured.


The next day, the post came again.

Harry Potter Attacked!

Draco Malfoy Helps Injured Classmate!

Harry Potter And Draco Malfoy, Now Friends?

Who Is Harry Potter's Mystery Abuser?

Harry Potter And Draco Malfoy, Friends Again After Physical Fight!

Harry smacked his head down on the table.

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