Chapter 24- Lucius And His Kinky Sex Dungeon

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He couldn't focus.

He was dizzy and disoriented and Lucius Malfoy was grinning but Harry couldn't focus on anything other than the pounding of his head and wondering if his friends were okay.

"Where's Draco?" he whispered, voice hoarse.

"Certainly not here." Lucius sounded horrified. "He seems to have... taken to you, and I can't have him compromising this."

"Really?" Harry smiled bitterly. "Does he talk about me? What does he say? Did he tell you how good of a fuck I am?"

He supposed Lucius' face was worth the Cruciatus it earned him.

"Am I the only one you brought to your sex dungeon?" Harry asked, coughing.

"It's- It's not a sex dungeon! And as a matter of fact, you are."

"Wanted some one-on-one time with me, Lucius? Well, I must admit, I do like blondes, but you're a bit old for me."

This earned him another Cruciatus. Harry decided to maybe shut his mouth for a bit.

"Had no idea you were into torture, Lucius. That's kinky. "

Okay, Harry sucked at keeping his mouth shut.

"Are you going to ask me what I want from you, or are you going to continue to annoy me?" Lucius sighed.

"Well, it's just you and me, and I'm chained to a chair in your kinky sex dungeon. I think what you want from me is pretty apparent, but I must say, consent is key and I don't remember consenting."

Lucius sighed, and Harry was Crucioed again.

"I suppose I'll just tell you, brat."

"Do you call all your sex slaves brats? Does that mean I have to call you Daddy? That's real kinky. But, like father, like son, I gue-"

Lucius Crucioed him again without a second thought.

Okay, the amount of Crucios Harry had gotten in the past five minutes was unhealthy. He supposed he really should shut up now.

"Are you aware that I have a minion at Hogwarts right now, pretending to be you?" Lucius sneered.

With those words, Harry saw red. Someone else was pretending to be him, which means someone else was dating Draco, kissing Draco, possibly having sex with Draco-

A light shattered, Lucius jumped. Harry tried to slow his breathing.

"Watch your temper, Potter," Lucius mocked.

"Do you have a thing for brunets?" Harry asked, an angry, twisted grin spreading across his face. "Or is it just boys? Did you bring Voldemort in here? I bet you were chained up for him, I bet you loved it-"

Lucius Crucioed him again, but Harry was so blind with rage he barely felt it.

"Did you call him Daddy, Lucius? Is that where the daddy kink came from? Do you and Narcissa like to roleplay as you and Volde-"

"That will be enough, Mr. Potter."

Harry stopped talking when Narcissa cut him off, but anger still flowed through him.

"So you're in on it too, huh?" he asked angrily. "Even after you saved my li-"

"I did no such thing, Mr. Potter," Narcissa cut him off again. "I did it because of my son and my faith in the Dark Lord's ability to kill you again. You were meaningless."

Harry frowned. Her hand was twitching at her side slightly, a telltale sign he had learned from Draco that meant he was lying.

His breathing slowed at his realization. He smirked at her. A small smile graced her lips as she saw his realization, and she nodded the tiniest bit, before returning to her character.

"And seeing as you managed to pull off a fluke and murder the Dark Lord, we are here to finish his work," she said.

"Well, I mean, you can try, but I think Lucius wanted some private kinky sex dungeon time with me first," Harry remarked.

Narcissa's lips twitched, and she bit her bottom lip to stop herself from smiling. Lucius snarled.

"That's enough, Potter!" he shouted.

"I just wrote to Draco," Narcissa said, maintaining eye contact with Harry. "I told him we look forward to seeing him over Christmas break and asked how school is going and how him and Harry are doing."

"Good, maintain the illusion," Lucius said calmly.

Harry stared at Narcissa for a moment.

She was keeping up an illusion, but not the one Lucius thought.

She had told Draco.

Lucius was looking at her, so she couldn't smile at him or anything, but Harry knew. He smiled and nodded slightly to let her know he understood.

He prayed Draco would receive the letter before Lucius got tired of having him around.

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