Chapter 28- This Chapter Is Short, But Harry's Dick Isn't ;)

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Harry has big dick energy you cant convince me otherwise

"How dare you hurt him," Draco hissed as he advanced towards Lucius angrily. 

"Draco, you-"

"Don't even open your fucking mouth." Draco's wand was at his father's throat, pure rage in his eyes. "Don't talk to me, don't talk to Harry, don't look at Harry, and under no circummstances will you harm Harry, or I'll kill you on the spot, consequences be damned."

Harry's eyes were locked on Draco, and he bit his lip slightly. Blaise raised a single eyebrow, but chose not to point this out.


"Shut the fuck up," Draco growled. "Shut the fuck up and stop talking and just shut the fuck up."

Blaise edged around Draco carefully, trying to stay away from him and his wand. He waved his wand and Harry's chains snapped, hitting the floor.

Draco's head turned quickly toward the noise, and Lucius took this advantage to strike. He lunged forward, obvious intent being to disarm Draco.


It wasn't shouted, it wasn't even surprised. Ron just pointed his wand at Lucius and stunned him with a straight face, showing no traces of emotion.

"Wow, what an unexpected thing for you to do, Lucius," he muttered calmly. "Dumbass."

Draco, however, was no longer paying attention to Lucius. His attention was diverted to the boy who had just been freed.

Harry launched himself out of the chair and hugged Draco tightly. The blonde tensed, surprised, but hugged back almost immediately, smiling.

Blaise just poked Lucius with his boot.

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