Chapter 13- eXpoSEd

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Draco jumped as the paper swan landed on his desk. He looked over at Potter who shrugged and grinned.

Is that actually true?

Confused, Draco wrote Is what true? and sent it back in the form of a dove.

Draco unfolded the replying hawk.

Are students really still holding grudges against you?

He sent a falcon back.

Yes. Not that it would matter to you, of course. But some students are not happy with my role in the war, and a brave few have decided to act on it.

Potter looked pissed.

THAT'S BULLSHIT THEY ARE RIDICULOUS!! Give me names. Now., the robin read.

Suddenly, Draco heard his name. He looked up to see the Weaslette teasing Potter. Potter was blushing.

Draco sent back his blue jay with the message: No thanks. Its just a few Stinging Hexes and Trip Jinxes. Nothing major. Since when do you care?

He thought he heard Potter growl.

Fine. Be that way. But if it gets serious, call me. I'll go all Boy-Who-Lived on their asses., Potter's pigeon read.

Draco tried to contain his laughter. He didn't known what he was thinking, but he wrote The Boy-Who-Lived thing is kinda hot, and sent his reply as a songbird.

He could tell Potter didn't finish reading, because at that moment the songbird opened its mouth and started singing.

Draco jumped. What the fuck!?

"Mr. Potter! Bring me that note! Now!"

Draco's head snapped up to see a furious Snape was glaring at Potter.

Potter subtly glanced at Draco. Draco's eyes were wide. Snape can't know.

Suddenly, Potter lifted his wand to his note, and with a defiant look on his face, set it on fire.

Instantly, the paper burned to a crisp in front of the whole shocked class.

That was hot.

Draco snorted at his unintended pun and covered it with a cough. Weasley did a poor imitation of that.

Snape looked enraged. "Ten points from Gryffindor," he hissed.

Potter glanced over to Draco. Draco winked. Potter grinned.


The Slytherin eighth years all sat in a circle around the Common Room fire.

A\N: going clockwise: Draco, Pansy is laying with her head in his lap, her feet resting on Blaise's lap, Astoria Greengrass, Daphne Greengrass, Greg Goyle, Vincent Crabbe, Millicent Bulstrode, Theodore Nott

"Pansy get your feet off of me!" Blaise tried to move Pansy's feet off his lap, but she gave him a very dangerous look and he gave up. Daphne laughed at him. Blaise pouted.

"I gotta tell you all something," Draco said lazily. They looked at him expectantly. Probably waiting for juicy gossip about the Golden Trio or something.

"I'm gay..."

This could honestly go either way. Slytherins were known for being very judgemental and prejudiced. However, Slytherins were also very close, like a family. Loyalty was important.

Pansy and Blaise just laughed because they already knew this. Astoria screeched, and Daphne's hand gracefully flew to her mouth. Greg and Vincent shrugged like they didn't care much, and Millicent Bulstrode was lesbian so she couldn't say shit anyway, but Theo just muttered "Bloody poof. Whatever makes you happy, I guess."

Draco kept a calm face throughout their reactions.

Pansy pulled a bottle of Firewhiskey out from her bag.

"Stole it from the Gryffindors," she said, shrugging.

Draco smirked. "Was that before or after you snogged Ron Weasley?"

The entire group exploded.

"WHAT!?" Astoria and Daphne shrieked together. Nott fell over and Greg and Vincent stared. Millicent screamed bloody murder and Pansy's face turned bright red.

Then she smirked back. "Before I snogged Weasley, after you snogged Potter."

If the group exploded before it was nothing compared to this.

Draco rolled his eyes. "You made out with Weaslette!"

Theo gagged.

Pansy scowled. "And hated every moment. You said out of the whole group you would shag Potter!"

Draco closed his eyes. Daphne choked on her drink and Theo screamed like a little girl.

"You made out with Weasley!" Draco's eyes narrowed evilly. "And said he was your crush!"

Pansy squeaked. The entire group screamed.

Pansy looked dead serious. She glared at Draco, and opened her mouth.

Draco's stomach dropped to the floor. "No," he hissed.

Pansy nodded.

Draco shook.



"You had Potter Parselmouth talk you into an orgasm," Pansy hissed.

Vincent passed out. Astoria screamed loud enough to shake the building. Greg gaped and Theo squeaked. Daphne shrieked. Blaise gaped. "You actually did it?!"

Draco sighed. "Fine. I have a crush on bloody Potter, Pansy has a crush on Weasley, and Blaise has a crush on Longbottom, who he ran off to shag in the middle of the game."

This time it was Theo who passed out.

Draco stood and walked out the door.

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