Chapter 9- Things Get Gay

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Seamus choked on his Firewhiskey shot, Astoria screeched "HOW COULD YOU!?", Dean laughed, Hermione glared, Ron shouted " I always knew you were gay!", Ginny chanted "OTP! OTP! OTP!", Pansy and Blaise raised their eyebrows, and Neville spit out his drink.

Harry just stared at a now very embarrassed Malfoy.

Astoria stormed across the circle. "You aren't even gay!" she shrieked.

Malfoy raised a calm eyebrow.

Her hand flashed toward him to slap him, but Harry, with his amazing Seeker reflexes, reached out his hand and snatched her wrist.

Everyone in the room stared at him in shock. Seamus choked on his drink again.

"I think you should leave," Harry growled low.

She shrieked even louder. "You can't tell me what to do Potter! I will do whatever I-"

"Petrificus Totalus."

At Harry's softly growled hex, Astoria's hands snapped to her sides, she went rigid, and fell forward.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" Dean cried. He floated Astoria to a closet and shut the door.

Ron broke the following silence. "Am I the only one here that's not gay?!"

They all laughed. Hermione stood up quickly. "I'm going to bed."

As she left, the laughter died down and they started to play again.

"Truth or dare, Ron?" Draco questioned.


"Kiss Pansy."

He turned pink, but tilted his head toward Pansy and gently kissed her.

When he pulled away, they were both pink.

Ron spoke up. "Truth or dare Harry?"


"Kiss Malfoy."

His eyes widened, as did Draco's.

He turned to face Draco.

Wow, up close you can really see how grey his eyes are...

He closed his eyes, gathered up all of his courage, and pressed his lips to Draco's.

When did he become Draco?

Draco's lips were soft. He kissed back like he was afraid Harry would pull away.

Instead, Harry ran his tongue over his lips.

Draco ran his fingers through his hair and kissed him harder.

Someone cleared their throat.

Draco and Harry pulled apart, breathless. Harry's face turned red.

"Wow, Potter, you really enjoyed that, didn't you?" Malfoy laughed.

Harry snorted and shrugged. "You're not a bad kisser, Malfoy. If it hadn't been you I was kissing, I might have enjoyed it."

Ron shouted "Oh shit, burn!" as Malfoy glared daggers at Harry before returning to his seat.

"Neville, truth or dare?" Harry asked, smirking.

"Dare," he muttered.

"I dare you to give Zabini a lap dance."

Neville groaned. "Harry, I thought you were an innocent guy! I trusted you!"

"You thought wrong!" Harry laughed. "Never trust me with a dare!"

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