Chapter 30- Rated R For Romance

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If you don't like reading smut, you can just skip this chapter it doesn't really provide anything to the plot

16 votes were for top Harry, 14 were for top Draco, so here i hope you guys are pleased with my decision 

It took longer than i thought it would but its over 2000 words so i hope you enjoy

Draco didn't know what the hell he had done to deserve the angel in front of him, but he thanked every god there was that he was there.

He couldn't help but feel a bit nervous, and it probably showed.

"You okay?" Harry murmured, leaning forward to press kisses against his neck.

"Yeah," Draco said, gasping as Harry sucked on a part of his neck. "Just want to make this good for you, your first time and all."

"Draco, if it's with you, it's gonna be good no matter what."

Draco grinned at that, pulling Harry away from his neck to kiss him.

Harry murmured something, and then Draco was naked. He gasped softly in surprise.

"You fiend," he whispered, grinning. "Where did you learn to do that?"

Harry just smirked, before his smile dropped upon seeing Draco's chest.

His fingers shakily traced the lines crisscrossing Draco's smooth skin. Draco caught his wrist, smiling.

"Harry, it was an accident."

Harry nodded before a slight smile twitched at the corner of his lips. "At least we match now."

"Remind me to kill Smith," Draco murmured before pulling Harry down for a kiss.

This one was white-hot, pure sex, and incredibly arousing. Harry clearly had intent this time, and it wasn't to talk.

"Mm," Draco said softly, before pulling away. "Why do you still have clothes on?"

Harry raised his eyebrow in a way that somehow turned Draco on more, and suddenly his clothes were gone and they finally had delicious skin to skin contact.

Harry moaned softly, before leaning down and kissing Draco again.

"Fuck," Draco mumbled against his lips as Harry experimentally rolled his hips, causing spikes of pleasure to run through Draco's body. 

"Draco," Harry murmured, pushing himself up on his elbows, his lips a centimeter away from Draco's.

"Yes?" Draco breathed.

Harry seemed to be fighting with himself. "I, um, I don't know what to do."

Draco smiled widely at his boyfriend's adorable blush. "Let's start with something easier. We don't have to get to actual sex yet."

"What else can we do?" Harry asked, eyes wide. Draco's breath caught.

"Harry, you can't be that innocent," he breathed.

Harry just continued to stare at him.

"Switch with me," Draco said gently, moving so Harry was below him. "Harry, do you know what a blowjob is?"

"Of course I know what a-" Harry stopped, his eyes going wide and a blush spreading across his cheeks. "Oh."

Draco laughed softly, pressing a chaste kiss to his lips before moving down and sucking lightly on Harry's neck. Harry made a soft noise.

"Do you like that?" Draco murmured, before returning to kissing Harry's neck.

"Feels good," Harry murmured.

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