Chapter 29- In Which Draco Desperately Tries To Get Into Harry's Pants

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Harry pretended to focus on his book, well aware of Draco's heated gaze on him.

Harry wondered what part had Draco so hot and bothered. Maybe it was the tight black t-shirt stretched across his muscular body. Maybe it was the boxers Harry allowed to ride low on his hips. Maybe it was the way he bit his lip, pretending to focus on the book in front of him. Maybe it was all three.

Either way, he had Draco's full attention.

Despite being a virgin, Harry knew how to tease.

He knew the only reason Draco hadn't pounced on him yet is because he knew Harry was still a virgin, and he didn't want to take things too fast and scare Harry.

Which was adorable, really, because Harry had been ready since the day Draco rescued him from the Manor.

He had made his decision. He was going to push Draco further and further until the blonde finally snapped. 

He wondered how long it would take.

Seamus noticed what he was doing on the second day, when Harry had purposely dropped his fork and "accidentally" brushed Draco's crotch attempting to grab it.

The entirety of their friend group now had a bet on how long it would take Draco to snap.

Neville and Seamus were already out, having bet on one and two days. Today was the third day, Fred's day, and it was looking good for the Weasley twin.

"Hello, Harry," Draco said tensely, sitting down on Harry's bed. "Whatcha doing?"

Harry set down his book, smiling sweetly at his boyfriend. "Reading."

"Mhm," Draco said, sounding slightly tense. "Erm, I'm gonna hang out with Cecilia, if you don't mind. She promised me she'd beat my ass at chess and I have to prove her wrong. Is that okay?"

Harry looked up, surprised. "Of course it's okay, she's your friend. You don't have to ask my permission to hang out with your friends, Draco."

"Yeah, sorry," Draco said, smiling slightly. 

Harry smiled at his boyfriend. "Have fun, and beat her ass at chess," he said softly, lifting his book back up.

Draco pressed a soft kiss to his cheek. "See you soon, love." 

Harry blushed as his boyfriend left the room, hand coming up to touch the warmth Draco's lips had left on his face.


It was day six. Ginny's day. Neville, Seamus, Fred, George, and Pansy were now out.

Each of them had taken to giving him ideas of how to get Draco to crack on their days, Ginny's idea was Parseltongue, something Harry had forgotten Draco loved so much.

So Harry waited until Potions, where he knew Draco would be sitting in his normal spot in front of him, and he dropped his stirring rod.

"Fuck!" he shouted in Parseltongue, walking around his desk to pick it up.

The reaction was obvious. Draco's whole body tensed, and he turned in shock to stare at Harry.

"Harry, what's with the Parseltongue?" Ginny asked, grinning at him.

"Sorry, I slip into it without realizing when I get frustrated," Harry said.

"Or horny?" Ginny asked, smirking and ignoring Draco's eyes on her.

"Or horny," Harry agreed, stirring his potion again.

He heard Draco accidentally knock over a bottle in surprise, and he looked up quickly. "You okay, Draco?"

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