Chapter 19- Astoria Attempts Revenge. Again.

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 Draco sat on a bed next to Harry's. While Ron, Neville, Ginny, Seamus, and Dean had rotated in and out of the Hospital Wing, Draco had threatened to use the Crutiatus Curse on anyone who tried to make him leave.

Harry had been in some sort of coma for the past three days. His condition was unstable, and nobody was sure if he was going to be okay.

Draco sighed tiredly. "Please wake up Harry. Please. I'll do anything. Just please, say something. Open your eyes. Move a finger. Please, Harry, if you can hear me, give me a sign."

Harry did no such thing.

Madame Pomfrey bustled into the room. "Mr. Malfoy, you haven't slept in three days! Go to your dorm. Sleep."

Draco shook his head firmly. "I can't. Not while he's like this."

She huffed. "Fine. But when you pass out, I'm not helping you."

She checked Harry's vitals with a wave of her wand, and then left to help Pansy, who had some sort of curse Granger had shot at her that Madame Pomfrey had no idea how to heal.

Draco heard the door open behind him and tentative footsteps coming up.

He sighed. "He's still in his coma. He lost a lot of blood."


Draco had his wand out and pointed at Zacharias Smith's throat in under a second.

"What the bloody fuck are you doing here?" he hissed.

Smith was shaking. "I came to apologize. I had no idea what the curse did."

"Then why would you use it?"

Smith shifted his feet. "I heard Harry mention it to Granger and Weasley sixth year. He seemed pretty torn up about it, said he had landed you in the Hospital Wing. But you were back a few days later, so I figured it couldn't be that bad."

Draco advanced until his wand was pressed into Smith's throat.

"Get. Out."

Smith opened his mouth, but then closed it and nodded. He left quietly.

The door banged open again. Granger shot through it like a rocket.

Draco shot up. "Granger!?"

She ran past him to Harry's side. She collapsed next to his bed and grabbed his hand.


She started sobbing. "Harry, Harry, I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have let something so stupid come through our friendship, you can like guys, you can like Malfoy, you can like bloody Voldemort if it mean you wake up, please, please, Harry, wake up!"

Draco winced slightly. Granger stood, wiping her eyes.

She sat on the bed next to him. "Will he be okay?" she whispered.

"I don't know," Draco replied coldly.

I don't know. Three simple words, but Draco hated them so much. They provided no answers, nothing concrete.

"Fuck," she whispered. "This is my fault."

"Yeah, it is," Draco answered coldly.

Harry stirred. Draco shot away from Granger and knelt next to him. "Harry? MADAME POMFREY!!!"

She rushed into the room as Harry stirred again.

Harry's beautiful, green eyes blearily opened. "Draco?" he whispered.

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