Chapter 23- I Literally Can't Not Write Angst Someone Stop Me

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 Within a week of annoying remarks, rejected kisses, uncomfortable flirting with other girls in front of Draco, a strange fascination with what Daphne was doing at all times, and an odd need to drink his Firewhiskey in the middle of classes and lunch, Harry was becoming intolerable.

Even Harry's own friends agreed.

"Yeah, mate. He's becoming incredibly annoying," Seamus said, annoyed. "Makes me glad he doesn't sleep in the Gryffindor dorms anymore."

"Yeah," Ron agreed. "Although I don't know how you manage to sleep with him in the same room as you every night, Draco."

Draco frowned. "Harry doesn't sleep in my dorms," he said, confused.

Dean's eyebrows shot up. "He doesn't?"

"Then where the fuck does he sleep?" Neville asks.

"And are we sure he's sleeping?" Blaise muttered.

The boys turned to look at him in confusion. Blaise sighed.

"Think about it. Harry has become a total asshole, and we have no idea where he goes at night. He flirts with random girls all the time. How can we be sure he's not cheating on Draco?"

"Harry would never!" Fred and George protested.

"Maybe our Harry wouldn't, but he's changed over the summer," Neville said sadly. "We can't rule it out."

Draco sighed heavily. "No, we can't," he said sadly. "But I've been tricked too many times. I won't believe it till I see it."

Blaise nodded. "Then let's find out where he goes at night," he said easily. "Tonight. We'll get Ginny and Pansy and Luna and Cecilia and Angelina too. We'll split off into partners and search the castle."

The group nodded.

"Here's to hoping we're wrong," Blaise said, holding up his shot of Firewhiskey.


"Okay," Blaise said quietly. "Fred and George, you've got the third floor, plus Astronomy Tower. Luna and Cecilia, you search the east side of the second floor, because it has the most rooms. Pansy and Ron, you've got the west side of the second floor. Me and Neville will take the first floor. Draco, you and Dean will search the Common Rooms. Angelina and Seamus are searching the grounds. Everyone cool? Good. Go."

With that, the group split off.

"Let's start from the top and go down," Draco suggested. Dean nodded, and they headed up to Gryffindor Tower.

"I'm really sorry all this is happening," Dean said after a while. "Harry... I don't know what happened to him. I know you like him, but you know he's changed."

"I know. I don't know if I do like him anymore."

Dean nodded sadly, and they opened the door to the Gryffindor Common Room. "I don't think anyone would blame you if you broke up with him."

"He's not here," Draco said, avoiding the obvious question as to whether he would break up with Harry or not. "Let's go to Ravenclaw Tower."

Dean understood his silent plea to drop it, and they continued in silence.

"How is a raven like a writing desk?" the knocker asked them.

Dean frowned.

"You shouldn't shove either up your ass," Draco said dully. Dean burst out laughing.

"Well- I- yes, I suppose that could be an answer," the knocker replied. If knockers could be flustered, this one sure was. The door opened slowly.

Draco pushed it aside, searching the Common Room as Dean looked yup to the bedrooms.

"Nope," Dean sighed. "Dungeons?"

"Sure." They left the room, walking down multiple flights of stairs until finally reaching the doors.

"Validation," Draco murmured, and the doors opened. Dean gave him a strange look before they stepped in the room.

Instantly, Draco's eyes locked on the pair in the middle of the room.

Daphne and Harry.

On the couch.

Having sex.

Both parties were entirely naked, pleasure on both of their faces. Daphne's nails raked against Harry's back, and she screamed "Fuck, Harry!"

Harry stilled, giving her a strange look. 

"But you know I'm-" he started to say, before Draco cut him off.


Both of them looked up, shocked. Daphne shrieked, covering herself with blanket. Harry just blinked.

Draco's heart physically hurt as he thought of all the lies Harry had told him.

Harry took a shuddering breath. "I-I'm gay."

Dean stared at him. "There is no way you are a virgin, Harry Potter."
Harry looked down. "Actually...."

"I think you're really hot and sweet and I really think I like you."

Lies. All of it. Lies.

Draco blinked, breathing fast. He felt tears gathering in his eyes. After all of the attempts to break them up, Harry was finally the one who actually ruined it.

He didn't seem to care, either. His face wasn't upset or apologetic. In fact, he seemed to just want them to leave so he could continue what he was doing.

"We're over," Draco breathed out, before turning around and rushing out of the room.

"That's fucked, Harry. Don't come back to Gryffindor Tower anytime soon," he heard Dean say before footsteps followed him.

"Draco! You gonna be okay?"

Draco turned around, eyes wide, hands clutched in his hair. 

"He cheated on me, Dean. He cheated and he lied and he slept with her, of all people! No, I'm not okay!"

"I didn't ask if you were okay." Dean's voice had a very calming effect. Seamus was lucky. "I asked if you were going to be okay."

"I don't know," Draco whispered.

"Okay. Come on, I'll send a Patronus to get the others, and we can walk to Gryffindor Tower together. You can stay there tonight."

Draco nodded, trying to conceal his tears.

"It's okay to cry, Draco. He broke your heart. You don't have to be emotionless."

Draco nodded, relaxing a bit and letting himself cry.


Blaise's shocked voice rang through the air a second before his best friend dropped his wand and ran forward, hugging Draco tightly.

He didn't ask what was wrong, he didn't tell him it was going to be okay, he just held Draco tightly and let him cry.

"What the hell did Harry do?" Neville's voice asked.

"He fucked Daphne Greengrass," Dean replied.

Blaise didn't say anything, just tightened his hold on Draco.

"I'll kill him." Fast footsteps started walking away, before abruptly stopping.

"Stop," Dean said gently. "This isn't something to be treated with anger. We're here for Draco. We'll deal with Harry later."

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