Chapter 31- Sexy Time Pt. 2

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So sorry I was gone for a few days, my flights home got delayed and I was stuck in another state for several days, nothing was going right, I left my phone charger at home and my phone died so I couldn't even write, I cried a couple times, but I'm back and I'm feeling better and I'm starting to write again. It may take me a couple days to get re-adjusted, seeing as I have to catch up on schoolwork, but I'll be back soon with more chapters. For now, have some more smut. 

Five minutes later had Draco on top of Harry, kissing him with as much passion as he could enforce through a kiss and grinding down on his gasping boyfriend.

"Fuck, Draco, please," Harry whispered.

"Please what?" Draco asked, feigning innocence. At Harry's annoyed look, he grinned. "Use your words, Potter."

"You know what I want," Harry murmured, blushing dark.

"Hm... Do I?" Draco asked, a wicked grin on his face.

"I want you to fuck me," Harry murmured, hiding his face in his hands.

"Right now?" Draco asked, shifting his body as if he was going to do it right then with no preparation.

"No!" Harry shouted, sounding slightly horrified. Draco smirked. 

"Then what?"

"Dracoooo!" Harry whined, hiding his blush behind his hands.

Draco laughed, taking pity on his boyfriend. He kissed his nose lightly, and grabbed the lube from its spot cast aside.

He poured a small amount on his fingers, rubbing it around before carefully pushing one finger in.

Harry made a small noise.

"Doing okay?" Draco murmured, working a second finger in.

"Yep," Harry said, hissing softly at the stretch of two fingers.

"You look gorgeous like this."

"Like what?" Harry laughed breathlessly. "A mess?"

"Nobody's perfect but you, and it's nice to see when you're not," Draco whispered, before kissing him.

"That's fucking poetic."

"I try." Draco added a third finger. Harry made another small noise.

"You still okay, angel?"

"Doing perfect," Harry replied, pulling Draco down for another kiss.

"We're probably the only two people in the world who talk this much during sex," Draco laughed as he pulled away.

"Well then, it's good we ended up together. I'm ready, fuck me already."

"You really lose all sense of dignity when you're horny, don't you?" Draco teased, pulling his fingers out and grinning at Harry.

"Shut up."

Draco grinned, lining himself up and pushing in as slow as possible.

Harry inhaled sharply, fingers digging into Draco's arms.

"You're okay," Draco murmured. "The pain goes away."

"I know, idiot."

"I don't appreciate your rudeness."

"I don't appreciate how slow you're going."

"You want me to go faster?"

"Ye- oh fuck."

Draco grinned. "Better?"

"So much better."

"I think you're a masochist, Harry."

"I'm your masochist, Draco."

"That's hot." Draco started a slow rhythm, but sped up at the annoyed look Harry gave him, and soon they were both messes of moans and gasps.

"Fuck, Draco, fuck, gonna-" Harry was cut off by a gasp as his back arched and he came.

Draco's vision flickered with spots of white as he hit his own orgasm, and he collapsed on the bed next to Harry.

"Is sex always that amazing?"

"With you? Yes."

Harry snorted, hitting Draco with a pillow.

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