Chapter 3- Here We See The Book Title Being Brought In

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The Gryffindor seventh years that had remained sat in a circle in front of the common room fire, chatting amidst each other.

A\N: the Gryffindors that stayed after the war are as followed: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Seamus Finnegan, Dean Thomas, Padma and Parvati Patil, Neville Longbottom, Lavender Brown, Ginny Weasley (she skipped a year because the teachers felt after all she had been through she deserved to stay with those she had fought with so 7 year Ginny), and Angelina Johnson.

Dean and Seamus were holding hands, smiling softly at each other with love shining in their eyes.

Nobody saw Hermione glaring daggers at their conjoined hands.

Harry and Ron were talking about when Quidditch was going to start up again.

Padma, Lavender, and Angelina were gossiping about the hottest boys in school.

Parvati and Ginny were talking and giggling quietly about god-knows-what.

But Neville simply sat there, looking uncomfortable and squirming in his seat.

Finally, Harry couldn't take it. "Neville, what's going on?"

Instantly, everyone's eyes shot over to Neville.

He looked down uncomfortably. "I-I have an announcement, actually."

Harry smiled and nodded, encouraging Neville to continue.

"I-I'm gay."

The room went dead silent.

Then Padma groaned and fell backwards. "Why are the hot ones always gay!"

They rest of them laughed as Seamus squealed "TASTE THE RAINBOW!!!!" and Conjured Skittles to rain on them. Dean patted his back and said, "Congrats, man, that was really brave of you." Ginny danced in her seat squealing "I knew it!!", and all the other girls seemed content griping about the hot ones being gay.

Ron laughed and congratulated him. 

Nobody noticed Hermione's shudder of disgust.

Harry just smiled and popped a lemon Skittle in his mouth.

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