Chapter 14- I'm Sorry, There's Heterosexuality. Not Everyone Can Be Gay

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Tears in his eyes, Harry blindly ran through the halls of the castle.

How could Hermione be so close-minded? It had taken so much of him to confess that to the group, and she had shattered the moment.

Suddenly, he ran into a warm body.

"S-sorry," he stuttered through his sobs.


Draco. Of course it had to be Draco.

"Potter- Harry, are you all right? What's wrong?"

Harry couldn't take it. He threw himself at Draco and held onto him as he cried.

He heard the other boy's sharp intake of breath, but after a pause Draco wound his arms around him and held him.


*Ron's POV*

Worried about his mate, Ron rushed after Harry. It took forever, but eventually he heard sobs. He turned a corner and saw Harry in Malfoy's arms. The blonde was looking at Harry with worry clear in his eyes.

Ron smiled. Harry was going to be okay if Malfoy was there for him. He went back the way he came and smiled happily.

Something told him Harry was gonna be okay.


*Harry's POV*

Harry felt so safe in Draco's arms, like nothing could hurt him. He felt empty when he pulled away.

"Come on," Draco whispered. He pulled Harry up stairs and around corners until they reached a door. Draco opened it.

Inside was two comfy armchairs, and a sofa in front of a fire. Suggestively, there was also a bed, but Harry chose to ignore that fact.

Draco sat on the couch, pulled Harry close to him, and put an arm around his shoulder.

"What's wrong Potter?" he asked.

Harry took a shuddering breath. "I-I'm gay."

Draco seemed mildly surprised. "That's it?"

Harry shook his head. Draco tightened his grip and smiled comfortingly.

"W-when I told the other G-Gryffindors, they all s-seemed happy f-for m-me." Harry was getting upset all over again. "And then Hermione screamed at me and called me disgusting and a fag and horrible and vile!" The last part came pouring out of his mouth and he collapsed into tears again.

"God," Draco whispered. "I'm so sorry."

Harry shook his head and buried his face in the blonde's shoulder. Draco wrapped his arms around him and held him without saying another word.


*Hermione's POV*

Hermione scowled at the wall. After Ginny had screamed at her for twenty minutes about being homophobic and a total bitch, she had stormed out and left Hermione angrier than ever.

Hermione marched down the stairs. This was her Common Room too, after all.

Every head in the room turned to stare at her. Hermione gave them all, except Ron, swift glares. She started walking toward the door.

Suddenly, Ron stood.

"Harry has been my best friend longer than you. He has gone through so much, seen more than any seventeen-year-old boy should ever have to. He is incredibly amazing and caring and loving and brave. He used that bravery tonight, and you shot him down. That was a pretty shitty thing to do, Mione."

Well, at least he hasn't broken up with me.

Hermione lifted her head. "I do what I want."

"All right. Then I'm breaking up with you."

Jaws dropped. Including Hermione's.

"You can't break up with me!" Hermione shrieked.

Ron lifted his chin defiantly and looked her dead in the eye.

"I just did."

Hermione turned and slammed the door behind her.

She stormed down the hall, and accidentally ran into someone.

"Sorry," she muttered.


Her head snapped up to see Astoria Greengrass right there. Daphne was a foot behind her.

"Your precious Golden Boy turned my lovely Draco into a fag!" Astoria screeched.

Hermione glared. "My precious Potter? I don't think so. I don't associate with faggots. And anyways, it's your Ice Prince who turned Potter gay!"

Astoria tilted her head, thinking.

Daphne spoke up. "You're not okay with this either?"

Hermione shook her head. "Of course not! It's disgusting!"

And evil smirk slid over Daphne's face. Astoria smiled.

"Let's talk."


*Ron's POV*

The Gryffindors looked up when they heard banging on the door.

"Let us in!"

Unmistakably Blaise's voice. Neville waved his wand and the door opened. Pansy and Blaise stepped in.

Blaise looked around. "Where's Draco? We've been looking everywhere! He came out to us, and Astoria and Daphne didn't take it well, and shit was exposed and he ran off!"

Ron smiled. "He's cuddling Harry. I think he's okay."

The Slytherins stared. Pansy shook her head in disbelief. "Okay. Can we stay?"

Ron smiled and nodded and took her hand to lead her to where he was sitting. She sat next to him, cheeks flaming.

Blaise however, didn't sit. Instead, he dramatically bowed in front of Neville. "Mr. Longbottom, will you do me the honor of being my boyfriend?"

Neville's face flushed red, but he nodded, smiling.

Blaise grinned and sat in his lap. Neville laughed and wrapped his arms around his waist.

Pansy looked around. "Where's Granger?"

"Well," Ron replied. "Harry also came out to us, and Hermione is a homophobe and after Ginny screamed at her for a while and I broke up with her, she left."

Pansy stared. "You broke up with her?"

Ron smiled teasingly. "Is that all you heard?"

Pansy turned pink, but smirked back. "Yes. I'm glad you did."

Ron frowned, confused. "Why?"

Pansy rolled her eyes. "Honestly, Weasley, are you that oblivious?" 

He opened his mouth to say something, but Pansy threw herself in his lap and proceeded to kiss him.

The entire group laughed and cheered, with the exception of Seamus, who should his head and complained, "Heteros."

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